This DIY Guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of constructing 60 to 120 Watt Solar Panels for under $200. You can easily do it for less then $100 if you do a little extra work in collecting materials.
Everything is broken down into Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Instructions. I’ve been told by numerous people that the guide was able to take even the most difficult solar panel construction methods and distill it down to simple and easy steps that even complete beginners can easily follow.
There are 3 parts of the guide:
1) Introduction of Solar Energy
This provides you some basic information about solar energy, including how solar energy is produced, basic solar system layout, the solar panel system that you will create as well as detailed plans for creating your own solar energy. It also consists:
a) Step-by-Step Process of Creating Solar Energy
b) How to Find “Free” Solar Panels
c) How to maintain your solar panels
2) How to build a solar panel
This is a complete step-by-step explanation of how to build a solar panel from scratch. Everything from building the solar panel box to connecting solar cells is explained here with color pictures and detailed plans. It also consists:
a) Detailed Solar Plans
b)Materials required and where to get on the cheap
c) Step-by-Step Photos Showing You Exactly What To Do
3) Solar Energy Bundle – Several resources that help you along the way, includes:
a) how to hook up multiple solar panels
b) how to store your energy using multiple batteries at one time
c) basics of PV solar panel installation with this helpful guide that shows the process of obtaining city permits to installation of the solar panels to then hooking up to the electrical panel.
d)how to calculate how much money solar energy can save your household.
e) how much you qualify for USA Federal and State information on renewable energy tax incentives