What can we do for energy saving?
2008-08-12 09:17:47 UTC
I know a lot about saving energy. Hybrids, the special light-bulbs, unplugging wires, turning off lights, and other stuff. But what else can we do to help our environment?
Ten answers:
2008-08-12 11:32:46 UTC
10 Ways to Save Energy….

1. Change a Light Bulb

Installing a compact fluorescent bulb (CFL) is the quickest, easiest way to save energy -- and money. Unlike incandescents, CFLs convert most of the energy they use into light rather than heat.

Good for You: They consume about 75 percent less electricity and last up to 10 times longer (10,000 hours as opposed to 1,500). Replace one 75-watt incandescent bulb with a 25-watt CFL and save up to $83 over the life of the bulb.

2. Unplug Things That Glow

Anything that has an LED (light emitting diode) that glows even after you turn it off continues to draw power (that you pay for). Your TV, cell phone charger, and printer are likely culprits. Unplug the offenders from wall sockets and plug them into power strips instead. When you leave a room, flip the strip switch to cut the flow of electricity.

Good for You: Unplug appliances and electronics that glow and you could save $200 a year.

3. Recycle Your Electronics

Americans tossed out a whopping 5.5 billion pounds of electronics -- TVs, stereos, cell phones, and computers -- in 2005, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. The result? Millions of pounds of chemicals and heavy metals ended up in the ground even though it's easier than ever to recycle electronics. The Consumer Electronics Association created to help people find a recycling resource in their area. The site also provides a list of electronics, from laptops to baby monitors, that are easier on the environment and your energy bill.

Good for You: The average American household has three cell phones stashed in a drawer. Sell unused cell phones to You'll receive about $35, and the phones will be refurbished and resold. If 1 million people recycled one cathode-ray tube TV this year, we'd keep 4 million pounds of lead out of the ground.

4. Audit Your Energy

It's easier to save energy when you know exactly how much and where you're using it. Investing in a home audit takes a couple of hours and pays off with a list of things you can do to curb consumption. Find an auditor through your utility company (at low or no cost), or hire one ($450-$650). A list of auditors certified by the nonprofit Residential Energy Services Network, is at (click on Consumer Information).

Good for You: On average, an energy audit shows how to save up to 30 percent on utility bills.

5. Support Local Farmers

If your food could talk, it would tell quite a tale. Typical grocery store produce travels nearly 1,500 miles before it ends up on your plate. All this traveling burns fossil fuels and results in carbon emissions -- a fancy term for pollution. Buying from local farmers means you're not only getting the freshest food possible, you're saving energy

6. Fix That Drip

When you next fill your water glass, think about this: We each use about 100 gallons a day, enough to fill 1,600 glasses. Household water consumption has increased by 200 percent since 1950, even though the population has grown by only 90 percent. As a result, more than 36 states are expected to face water shortages in the next six years. Stemming the flow is as easy as fixing a leaky faucet or toilet; a dripping faucet can waste up to 74 gallons a day, a leaking toilet up to 200 gallons a day.

Good for You: Repair a leaky toilet and you can save $30 a year, which may not sound like much until you realize it means 73,000 gallons.

7. Let Your Grass Grow

Spending less time tending to your lawn actually makes it greener -- in every sense of the word. Most grass species fare best when they're kept at least 2-1/2-inches tall. The length creates more surface area to absorb sunlight, which creates thicker turf and deeper roots, which means you won't need to water as often.

Good for You: Save money by letting grass clippings remain on your lawn; it adds nitrogen to the soil and discourages weed seeds from germinating. You'll need less fertilizer and herbicide. Plus, leaving clippings on lawns means less in landfills; in 2005 Americans disposed of more than 12 million tons of yard waste.

8. Look for the Label

When it's time to replace a household appliance, choose a product with an Energy Star label. Sponsored by the EPA and the Department of Energy, the Energy Star program rates products from light bulbs to kitchen appliances. Energy Star labels guarantee that products are energy-efficient. For example, a battery charger labeled with the Energy Star logo will use 35 percent less energy than a standard one. You may even be eligible for a tax credit when you purchase an Energy Star product. Information at

Good for You: A household with Energy Star products uses about 30 percent less energy than the average household -- an annual savings of about $570.

9. Do Full Loads

Whenever you wash just a few clothes or dishes at a time rather than waiting for a full load to accumulate, you're wasting water, power, and money. The average American family of four washes about 540 loads of laundry a year, which consumes up to 21,000 gallons of water, and more than 150 loads of dishes, which uses about 1,500 gallons. Most of the energy consumed by washers goes toward heating the water -- about 90 percent in the clothes washer and 80 percent in the dishwasher. Combining half-loads, choosing short cycles, and using cold or warm rather than hot water in the clothes washer racks up savings.

Good for You: Wash two fewer loads of clothes and one fewer load of dishes a week and save up to 4,500 gallons of water a year.

10. Work the Critters

Your backyard ecosystem is as intricate as any wild patch of land, and it pays in many ways to enlist its creatures on your side. Birds eat many insects; they just need a water source and trees and shrubs for cover and nesting. Many insects are beautiful -- and beneficial. Ladybugs aren't just cute; they are voracious eaters of aphids.

Good for You: To understand which backyard insects are garden friends, visit and click on Pest Control Library for photos.

20 strategies for lowering your heating bills, saving resources, and helping to preserve the planet….

1. Wear appropriate winter clothing. Put on a sweater (and turn down the thermostat).

2. Harness the sun. Open south-facing window shades and drapes during the day and close them at night.

3. Flip a switch. Turn off the lights when you leave a room.

4. Give your computer a rest. Your computer's sleep mode (if activated) will let you power it down when sitting idle -- which can save $25 to $75 per year in energy costs. Or simply turn the computer and monitor off when they're not in use -- as well as the printer, copier, and fax machine.

5. Ditto with other equipment. Unplug all your electronic toys (TVs, DVD players, VCRs, cell-phone chargers) to keep them from using electricity when they're not in use.

6. Make your ceiling fan do the work. Most fans have a switch that lets you reverse the motor. The resulting updraft forces warm air near the ceiling down to where it can make you and your family feel more comfortable.

7. Stop air movement. Close the fireplace damper when it's not being used. Check your dryer vent cap to make sure it closes tightly when it's not being used. Use ventilating fans sparingly.

8. Plug up the big gaps. Seal cracks, especially around windows and doors, with caulk and weather stripping. Install storm windows.

9. Plug up the small gaps, too. Put foam insulators behind the faceplates for light switches and electrical outlets.

10. Add a barrier. Install or increase the amount of insulation, paying special attention to the attic and basement where the biggest gaps and cracks are lurking.

11. Maintain your equipment. Dirt and neglect are the most common causes of equipment failure. So clean or change the furnace filter once a month (or as often as recommended by the filter manufacturer).

12. Make informed choices. Call your local utility and ask what programs are available to encourage energy efficiency (such as rebates on new furnaces).

13. Get a professional opinion. Schedule a checkup of your heating system with a licensed contractor.

14. Install a programmable thermostat. Used properly, this little gadget can save you as much as $150 a year in energy costs. How? By scaling the temperature down when you're away and scaling it back up when you return.

15. Use less energy heating water. Set your water heater temperature to no more than 120 degrees.

16. Invest in new technology. Replace your refrigerator or water heater if either is more than 10 years old. Replace your heating and cooling system if it's old and inefficient. Buy energy-efficient windows and exterior doors. Over a period of years, the energy savings will help make up for the purchase prices.

17. Help lightbulbs last longer. Install dimmers in the kitchen and dining room -- it adds ambience while saving energy! Use sensors outside to turn lights on only when needed.

18. Get rid of lightbulbs altogether. Solar-powered outdoor fixtures provide electricity-free lighting.

19. Switch brands. Replace standard incandescent lightbulbs with energy-efficient ones. They cost a little more, but use less energy and last a lot longer.

20. Remove the guesswork. Buy Energy Star. More than 50 types of products (from lightbulbs to new houses) bear this label. It means you're buying the most energy-efficient products on the market.
2008-08-12 09:50:19 UTC
Going green is easy, there are so many great resources about the subject. My personal favorite is "The Green Book" which has parts of its book online as well at

As I have been striving to "Go Green" I realize it is like stepping back in time without getting rid of my modern conveniences. I'm doing many things I learned as a child, like line drying my clothes, sweeping instead of vacuuming, opening the windows in the morning to catch the cool breeze, only buying what I need instead of everything that looks cool, growing some of my own food, and canning what I can't eat now.

To me "going Green" is a frame of mind. Do what fits your lifestyle and do the easy things first, it is a process and like dieting if you go to radical to soon, you are more likely to go back to bad habits. I also believe there are good, better, best choices in most things. If you aren't ready to start a home garden, then try finding a farmers market, until you locate one look for produce grown as close to home as possible and go organic when available.

Many people think "going green" is expensive, I disagree. Some changes may take an initial investment, but they usually have a short payoff time. Things like weatherstiping and insulation cost, but the energy savings will add up quickly. You may need to purchase reusable bags, but most stores give you a 5 or 10 cent credit, so you are paid back within a few months.

My top tips are make your home more energy efficient, that also means using natural light, cooling and heating.

Reduce your packaging, if you eat more fresh food you will generally reduce packaging, it's the same thing they tell dieters, shop the perimiter, that is where all the meat, dairy and produce are located. Only buy what you will use, many Americans throw away a lot of unused food. Buy in bulk, that doesn't just mean large packages, but that area with the bins that you buy only what you plan on using.

Replace disposable items with durable items, if you eat outside often and use disposable paper or plastic plates, it is a wise investment to purchase a set of reusable plastic plates. Replace disposable razors, diapers and cleaning products like swiffer. Avoid bottled water, get a home filter like Pur or Brita.

Recycle, will help you locate the nearest recycle center. I try to only purchase plastics that are #1 or #2, they are more easily recycled. I also buy recycled products when available, that includes paper towels, napkings, toilet paper, tissue, school/office supplies and clothing.

Detox your cleaning, vinegar and baking soda clean almost anything, they can even losen a hair clog. Seventh Generation and Method are a couple mainstream brands that are very earth friendly.

Just start small and build from there, don't get overwhelmed.
2008-08-12 13:19:36 UTC
Use a Brita water pitcher or buy a screw on water filter instead of drinking bottled water.All this bottled water is wasting plastic.Just get a Brita pitcher or a screw on water filter.Brita water and filtered water is just as good as bottled water and it also saves money.The good thing about water from a Brita pitcher and screw on faucet is that its free.

Use battery operated touch lamps and battery operated lanterns for lighting up a room instead.Saves energy and keeps electric bills low.

Use energy efficient appliances.

If you're not using an electrical device, unplug it.

Use Tide cold water and wash both your lights and darks in cold water.Use Tide cold water detergent.

Front loader washers are energy efficient and save water.

Don't run the water while brushing your teeth.Fill a tumbler up with water.Brush your teeth and then rinse using the water in the tumbler.This way you don't have to waste water.

Don't sleep with the tv on.

Don't leave the radio or tv on while you're gone.I know some people do it to deter burgulars but investing in an ADT,Brinks,or Westinghouse security system makes more sense.Even getting a dog makes more sense, well if you can afford a dog.

Do like my mom and cook meals on Sunday.Cook meals that will last the whole week.This way you don't use up your gas.All you have to do is heat it up in the microwave oven.Just cook meals that you plan on eating for the week on Sunday or even Saturday and place the meals in bowls in your fridge and you won't have to worry about cooking every single day or every 2 days.All you do is just heat and eat.You also will have more time to yourself.

Portable fireplaces are great.They save on heating bills and they don't use wood or gas.You just buy a can of fuel and light it and it heats the room.

Do like my friend and buy a kerosene heater.It heats her whole 6 room apartment.Its in the middle of her kitchen and its so strong that it heats the whole house.It saves on her heating bill too.

Get solar powered flood lights for outside your house instead of using a porch light.
2008-08-12 09:23:37 UTC
There are so many simple things we can do... Stop buying bottled water and instead, buy a refillable bottle. While Nalgene's older bottles were found to leach chemicals into the liquids contained, Sigg produces aluminum bottles that are fantastic and leach nothing into the water/beverage, nor do they add any unpleasant taste. Using reusable grocery/shopping bags helps immensely. The waste isn't created and the energy need not be expended to create additional bags. Bike or take public transit instead of driving. Walk. There are so many things that seem like just little things, but if everybody is doing one small thing, the compounded effort becomes quite massive!
2008-08-15 10:10:22 UTC
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

3 neat ways, many people won't think of are:

1) Draft Stoppers

2) Abzorb Mats - saves BIG time on hihg0traffic flooring areas, inside and out (garages, basements, pet areas, under appliances, etc.)

3) Hurrican Socks - -even if you are not in a hurrican area, these absorb big time and are handy to have around.

More on these:
environmental king
2008-08-12 09:28:18 UTC

Yet one person is good, what is even better is if that one person told his or her friends, and those friends starting being more green then those friends tell their friends and the cycle keeps goin.. we need to spread the word..

one way that i have spread the word is buy making small little fliers that i put everywhere i go, they are just a few simple tips on how to save energy and conserve water. and like when i go to the restroom in a public place (grocery store, restaraunt) i put the flier right by the sink so people can read it.. if put out maybe 3 to 4 hundred around my area
2008-08-12 09:27:54 UTC
I agree with Sione for the most part...

except for the Sigg can just use a glass bottle. AND it won't cost you 20 freakin' dollars. I'm pretty sure Sigg bottles are just a name brand, look I what I can afford kind of deal.

I would definently see what kind of recycling programs your city has to offer.

When your old t.v. or refrigerator starts to die, invest in an energy star approved appliance.
2013-11-05 06:55:40 UTC
Or you can also watch this simple video for a step by step guide on how to conserve energy and be green.
2008-08-12 09:21:51 UTC
turn off your computer. Yahoo answers is not a necessity now is it? but then that would require YOU to give up something, a bit more than you might like.
Ali Ya Ali
2008-08-12 09:23:26 UTC
tunr off the screens! for sure

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.