What causes are most important to you, and what do you do to support them?
2008-11-30 23:11:19 UTC
What causes are most important to you, and what do you do to support them?
300 answers:
2008-11-30 23:30:45 UTC
Climate change is the most important cause to me; I am very concerned about the issue, have a broad knowledge of the science associated with it and do my part to reduce it as much as I can.

I drive a scooter (65 mpg) as often as I can, I leave every appliance turned off, pay extra for "green" electricity from my power company, recycle, I am majoring in environmental engineering, and I use my several computers to run climate models for researchers 24/7. I try to always be as efficient as possible in every way, and also do my part to educate others about the seriousness of climate change and other environmental issues, primarily through Yahoo Answers.
2017-01-15 00:20:55 UTC
Important Causes To Support
2015-12-10 06:48:29 UTC
I consider this work to be my mission in life, and I feel grateful to be able to do it. I know that sounds pompous, but it's true! I also support Habitat for Humanity financially and as a volunteer. I help to identify and support our partner families through the whole process. The other major work I do is for the American Cancer Society - the Relay for Life and other financial contributions. I believe that as citizens of the world, each of us has a responsibility to contribute in some way, even if it seems small. Margaret Mead (I think) said, "What we do may seem like a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made up of drops." I'm sure that is not an exact quote, but the essence is there. A good philosophy to live by, and one that sustains me when the job seems too much.
2008-12-01 22:27:47 UTC
The Shriners' Hospitals for Children are my major cause for support. There are some 22 of these hospitals and they work at giving world class, quality care to children with burn and crippling disorders totally free of charge. There, a family can find comfort and care in the most troubling of circumstance when one of their little ones is struck with one of these life altering problems.

I have been a Shriner for some eight years now and have found that there is nothing else that I've ever done that has been as rewarding or fulfilling on a personal basis. We have to work hard to raise the funds for these care centers for the expenses to run these costs nearly 2 million dollars a day. This keeps us hustling, selling brisket dinner tickets, raffling off pickup trucks and holding all sorts of fund raisers. But, we get to enjoy the company of a lot of terrific people and have some great times as well. I wouldn't trade it for a single thing that I know !! One trip to one of these hospitals, and one can easily see why we do what we do !!

☼ ////
2014-10-16 14:45:31 UTC
school, working with minority and poverty stricken teenagers who have emotional disorders. I consider this work to be my mission in life, and I feel grateful to be able to do it. I know that sounds pompous, but it's true! I also support Habitat for Humanity financially and as a volunteer. I help to identify and support our partner families through the whole process. The other major work I do is for the American Cancer Society - the Relay for Life and other financial contributions. I believe that as citizens of the world, each of us has a responsibility to contribute in some way, even if it seems small. Margaret Mead (I think) said, "What we do may seem like a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made up of drops." I'm sure that is not an exact quote, but the essence is there. A good philosophy to live by, and one that sustains me when the job seems too much.
George G
2008-12-01 19:36:47 UTC
The Rain Forest! I support them with the points I earn on! I believe with all the industry and technology that we have today , we can stop killing the trees for buildings and use concrete! Furniture can be made of durable plastic! Little league players use aluminum bats so why not the pros?yes we still need trees for some products such as paper (which is recycable), and is also used for packaging and mail.Of course newspapers are using recycled paper but their demise is the internet and I believe it is a good thing as it saves more trees as more people get the news of the internet.

The people of this planet need to realize that the rain forest is what not only provides the oxygen we need to live , but also provides the nutrients for other plants with the decay of those that do end their life cycle. They also have an impact on the weather, which is why we are experincing more hurricanes and typhoons! Trees on mountains help to prevent mudslides when heavy storms occur.

I would like to propose to anyone who reads this post to please plant a tree for the world this holiday season... it is tax deductable and gives the Earth a chance to survive as well! And you will feel good because you put forth the effort just doing it!

God Bless !
♥thinkgreen lovepurple♥
2008-12-01 13:48:46 UTC
I think that little, simple things people do to make the world a better place is really important. Many people don't get involved in causes not because they don't care, but because they think it won't make a different.

For the environment, simple things like turning off the lights, using less water, and more sustainable, less toxic products is better for our health and our earth. I try to buy more earth friendly and natural products, as well as cheap and effective recipes and remedies. I also try to reuse things more and think of creative ways to turn junk into something useful. I think its an important issue because it is an issue that affects everyone, and we should start caring about it. Everyone's efforts put together could make a huge difference.

Another issue I support is poverty. Poverty is another issue that affects many, many people directly, and everyone indirectly. Its unfair that some people were born with little necessities, while others had a lot, which is why we should help those in need. It would improve everyone's quality of life, and our economy as well. It would reduce human rights issues, such as child labour and sweatshops, which we often have to deal with. To support this, I try to act locally and volunteer in food banks and shelters. I also go to these organization craft sales, where people from developing countries get to sell their work for fair prices. I try to be informed about fair trade. Its hard to make sure what i'm buying wasn't made unfairly, but being informed and trying makes a difference. Getting more people involved is important. Each person makes a bit of a difference, and together a huge difference is made.
2008-12-03 06:38:12 UTC
Without a clean environment not much else matters. Toward that end I became trained as a volunteer naturalist and worked to help educate myself and others about the wonderful natural world around us and how we could help that world. Lately I've become involved in supporting efforts to take action on global climate change. It could stand as the most serious environmental crisis mankind has ever faced. It's important, then, to do my share, so I've been working at reducing my carbon footprint and striving to live more sustainably.

And toward that end, I support companies such as Tom's that promote environmental awareness, companies that are "eco-aware" and striving to be good citizens for our planet.
2015-01-15 08:14:00 UTC
I think every cause is worth it!! I ike to support world hunger by sending food to poor people ,I help the environment recycling and using less energy, I support animals by volunteering at a shelter, I also joined here in mexico the Model United nations trying to find answers to the world's problems, and I also joined amnesty international and when I grow up I would like to adopt a baby girl from Tnanzania and you?
2008-12-01 21:37:14 UTC
9/11 truth and promoting Peace is my cause at this time.

I spend time trying to get Official Conspiracy Theory believers to look at the evidence again for themselves and see the truth.

I started a blog: .

I email friends any new updates I find in my research.

If over 500 world Architects and Engineers can prove that what we were told is a lie, are you willing to look at the evidence?

I try to discourage people from joining the military. Killing and violence is not the answer and it is wrong. These wars we are in are based on lies.

Follow the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Let's work and educate for peace. So people can live this life with dignity and enjoyment.
2008-12-02 14:37:30 UTC
I think every cause is worth it!! I ike to support world hunger by sending food to poor people ,I help the environment recycling and using less energy, I support animals by volunteering at a shelter, I also joined here in mexico the Model United nations trying to find answers to the world's problems, and I also joined amnesty international and when I grow up I would like to adopt a baby girl from Tnanzania and you?
2016-02-22 06:21:00 UTC
The Rain Forest! I support them with the points I earn on! I believe with all the industry and technology that we have today , we can stop killing the trees for buildings and use concrete! Furniture can be made of durable plastic! Little league players use aluminum bats so why not the pros?yes we still need trees for some products such as paper (which is recycable), and is also used for packaging and mail.Of course newspapers are using recycled paper but their demise is the internet and I believe it is a good thing as it saves more trees as more people get the news of the internet.
2008-12-01 21:59:54 UTC
The end to animal cruelty is by far the most important cause I dedicate time and money to.

The most important step I've made is becoming vegan.

I've been a PETA volunteer since I was ten, and have adopted dozens of shelter animals, as well as speaking to anyone who will listen (and some who won't) about the horrific abuse animals endure in factory farms and slaughter houses, as well as the health benefits of vegetarianism.
2008-12-01 16:57:34 UTC
This is such an important question! I'm having trouble identifying which cause is most important to me. I am a social worker in an alternative high school, working with minority and poverty stricken teenagers who have emotional disorders. I consider this work to be my mission in life, and I feel grateful to be able to do it. I know that sounds pompous, but it's true! I also support Habitat for Humanity financially and as a volunteer. I help to identify and support our partner families through the whole process. The other major work I do is for the American Cancer Society - the Relay for Life and other financial contributions. I believe that as citizens of the world, each of us has a responsibility to contribute in some way, even if it seems small. Margaret Mead (I think) said, "What we do may seem like a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made up of drops." I'm sure that is not an exact quote, but the essence is there. A good philosophy to live by, and one that sustains me when the job seems too much.
2008-12-01 19:10:34 UTC
Thank you Tom's of Maine for sponsoring this.

I have so many issues that are important to me I can't count them quickly. There are numerous issues and programs that require our attention.

Free health care for all is a big one for me. Too many suffer with huge medical bills and these are the ones who have coverage and there are many others who have no coverage at all. Everyone should have health care in the US. There are so many free programs in other countries that work well but the insurance companies here are trying to make us believe that if the program is free then it is low quality but this is just not so. I don't know, as yet, what I can do to help this effort.

I support the local homeless shelter, our food bank and varied cancer programs. I give my house every other Friday for a free oncology massage clinic.

It hurts me deeply to know that there are children dying daily from starvation and at the same time knowing that we have the resources to feed everyone on earth .

As global citizens I don't think our priorities are in the right order.
2008-12-01 15:39:30 UTC
All of the causes are important in many ways. The cause I support most is children with cancer. There is nothing sadder to see a young child say about 5 get diagnosed with cancer and to see his/her face and their parents. It's unbearable and just devastating. And even worse to find out later that there actually is a cure or a potential cure but not having enough money to pay for it. That is why my heart is to support those families and children who are on the most courageous battles ever fought.

And the fourth one is education. One of the most important subjects that a person must have in order to receive a job. And this is especailly beneficial due to our increasing rate of unemployed people. Education is important for people as they are taught the basics of life and the understanding princliples of science, math, language, and history.

My second cost is for the environment. The environment now is getting worse due to the reasons of technology and radiation. The ozone layer is now more weaker than it used to be and more and more people are littering and not recycling enough. therefore, there needs to be a change for the environment because if not, out natural world could get destroyed.

My third most important cause is homeless people because it is sorrowful and depressing to know that there are people out there even in our very country, state, and town who are hungry and unsheltered. They must struggle against cold, disease, poor environment and conditions, and danger. To think that we have food on our table and a home and that they don't makes us remember to be happy about what we have. We would like to donate some of our items to beenfit them so that they may have temporarily a nice meal or some clothes at least for the holidays and with outr money together we can help them maybe even to have a house of their own:)
2008-12-01 21:46:13 UTC
Right at this time, I am paying my city for a recycle bin so I can recycle #1 and #2 plastic, plastic milk and drinking bottles, cans, magazines and cereal boxes. That's all they will take.

Every day I click on these sites to help these causes: the animal rescue site, the literacy site, the breast cancer site, the hunger site, child health site, the rainforest site. When I can, I buy fair trade items as gifts.

We donate monthly to an area no kill animal rescue center and a low cost spay/neuter center (where people sneak in at night and drop off cats and dogs).

We recycle our printer cartridges through Pet Smart stores.

I give money to our local food pantry.

We try to conserve water and electricity. Never water the lawn. Turn off the faucet. Am beginning to buy some organic products and keeping track of how the companies I do business with (buy their products, etc.) deal with the community. So I save Campbell's Labels for Education and General Mill's Boxtops for Education. One of my credit cards gives money for a local school based on my use of the card.

So, right now my causes are animal welfare, hunger, and the environment.

This is in addition to donating to Goodwill, giving money at the cash register for animal welfare or the food pantry, dropping off Toys for Tots, glasses to the Lions Club.
2008-12-01 14:43:43 UTC
The first thing that comes to mind is the fair treatment of animals. I'm not some crazy animal rights activist. But I do think that animals are amazing, and it is just plain wrong to put them down for no reason. I donate $3 of my weekly paycheck at a part-time job to a foundation that funds humane animal shelters in america.

My other belief is more of a general "cause," which is that it's the small acts in life that really help people. I know how much a simple act, such as picking up something someone dropped or holding the door open for someone, can really mean. When you're having a bad day and a random stranger is kind to you, it really gives you hope.

And why are people giving so many thumbs down to other answers??? These people have legit causes and you shouldn't degrade their beliefs.
2014-11-06 15:13:03 UTC
. I SUPPORT EDUCATION. I think it's important to educate people and to let them have the rights to be educated in order to see both inside and outside of their own society. It's important to all levels of people to have intelligent people to understand issues and try to do something with it. We could have any organization stopping global warming or mistreating animals but if the majority are uneducated and don't understand why we have those groups the first place. What's the p
Scottish Dachsy
2008-12-01 22:03:04 UTC
The most important causes for me are Christian rights advocacy, right to life, and general preservation of our Constitutional freedoms as outlined in the Bill of Rights. I can't donate much money so I write my legislators and advocate for others to do the same. I also send information related to my issues to friends, family, and others that may be interested. I also contact the President or governor of my state when necessary.
2008-12-01 20:23:08 UTC
The causes I care most about are the welfare of Children (globally), Animals and the Environment. I volunteer time and talents in my community and help raise awareness through friends, family and colleagues as much as possible. My best friend just survived breast cancer (she's 37 - mom of 2 young daughters) and another friend's 3 yr old was recently diagnosed with ALL Leukemia. I care about raising awareness about their diseases and I got involved in our local Relay for Life. I've lost my grandfather to Alzheimer's Disease - there isn't nearly enough done for research and with the aging of baby boomers, we have to!

It's great to do what you can for the environment - it's so important, but I'm much more concerned with the children in my community at present - making sure they are safe, well cared for and they all have something to eat. I live in a town of 8,000 and we have over 200 homeless teens in our county. That is something I can't ignore and I feel responsible to help with. I have 4 children of my own and I feel the same compassion for child.

In the past month, I have worked countless hours organizing events to raise money for children in my community and for the new digital mammography unit at our local hospital - through our local Elks, of which we are members.

I recently learned about the French controlled island in Africa where they are using live dogs as shark bait and I am focusing on that next - it's one of the most horrific things I've ever seen on video. Imagine your lab or collie with hooks skewered through their paws and faces and being drug alive behind a fishing boat. Caesar Milan started raising awareness about it.

Another group I support and wish I could do more for is Invisible Children - stopping the child soldier practices in Northern Uganda. Can you imagine being killed and having your 6 yr old turned into a soldier, forced to kill others?

The key is there are so many causes and everyone should choose a few and donate a little time to make it better. The world would be a kinder and better place.
2008-12-01 21:29:38 UTC
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is internationally recognized for its pioneering work in finding cures and saving children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases. St. Jude is the first and only pediatric cancer center to be designated as a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute. If you'd like to help St. Jude, go to

St. Jude freely shares its discoveries with scientific and medical communities around the world. St. Jude is the only pediatric cancer research center where families never pay for treatment not covered by insurance. No child is ever denied treatment because of the family's inability to pay. St. Jude is financially supported by ALSAC, its fundraising organization.
2008-12-01 19:29:46 UTC
Invisible Children. It is an organization to help victims of a war in Northern Uganda. I got involved after I saw a documentary that really touched me, I am fundraising for it with my school.

Live Strong. Lance Armstrong is so inspiring and I wear the band and donate to the foundation.

Fannie Mae Foundation. It is to help the homeless, I go to D.C. to walk and advocate it at school.

there are so much more but i hope that everyone can get involved to make this world a better place!
2008-12-01 18:16:53 UTC
I look at the answer in a three pronged fashion-globally, in regards to my country (usa), and locally.

Globally, I support organizations working in impoverished and war torn areas to feed, house, and educate impoverished people. Another issue is medical care and research, particularly in regards to aids. Until all people have adequate food, shelter, health care and education we will remain shamefully guilty of ignoring Christ's edict to love our brother as ourself. There are so many problems out there that it is hard to know what to do, or where to put your support. Stay informed, and do a little research. When you find something that tugs at your heart, act on it. I support the International red cross, but there are multitudes of effective groups out there to choose from. My college age daughter started a chapter of Amnesty International at her school, and some friends of mine adopted two children from Haiti. You can make a difference in so many ways.

On a national level I support the Southern Poverty Law Center. This is an organization which provides a data base for hate groups for law enforcement and citizenry. The SPLC also sues those who deny civil liberties to others through hate crimes, particularly violence. Racism and bigotry are a scourge in this country.

Locally, I support my food bank and donation center. Also, I try to make my own little impact on the environment by living somewhat green.
2008-12-01 17:40:28 UTC
Many (if not most of them) are important to me but one of the most important causes is animal rights and humane treatment of people and other animals. Reducing or preventing violence, cruelty and neglect in general.

I don't donate money to charities. Instead I volunteer or donate items to shelters (both homeless and animal), support wildlife habitat conservation, and I have adopted 4 animals who were needy of homes, two of which were an old cat and dog who were going to be euthanized. Also I am a vegetarian for humane reasons, but support free-range and organic meat production (or even hunting your dinner) over factory farming. I encourage everyone I know who eats meat to buy free-range.
2008-12-01 21:13:11 UTC
Lately I've been giving my support to "We Are Beings".


To put it simply we are Beings first and human second. On a classification, identification level it is more fundamental to our existence that we are Beings.

So, with that thought, as beings, we can be human, animal, plant etc.. it makes you really think more deeply about how you live with all of the other beings.

I am also a supporter of the (red) campaign. I wear the t-shirts. I like organizations that can provide a good product and help others.

Other things that I do to support non-profits is to provide free web hosting and occasionally I offer other pro bono publico services. Whenever I have time I help out where I see good people doing good and good people working to improve themselves.
2008-12-01 20:43:01 UTC
My favorite charity that I've ever been involved with has definitely been the Maine Childrens Cancer Program. I became involved with multiple fundraisers for MCCP through being an employee of Shaw's Supermarkets. Shaw's does a lot of fundraising for MCCP and I don't think that there's a better cause out there to be fundraising for! I relocated to Las Vegas, NV about 3 years ago, but am planning on returning to Southern Maine next month and am greatly looking forward to continuing my efforts with Shaw's and MCCP!
Technophille Tom
2008-12-01 21:38:17 UTC
Like Zoey Noel I like animals more than people, but than I have never tried eating a person. Probably never will so animals (esp. lamb, beef, turkey, chicken, pork,etc.) will always be my fav. over people. Up with animals!!!!

The way I support this cause is to buy, cook and eat lots of animals and their families and friends. I also buy enough to share with my family and friends. I think that is the best way to support this worthy cause. :-D LOL!
2008-12-01 22:01:23 UTC
I support the American Cancer Society, I have had one family member die from it, and another member is battling it now, and my dad has had cancer. I also support the humane society. I donate money to them. I also help support victims of domestic violence by donating money and clothes that me and my daughter no longer need. I have been there before and I know what is like to leave pretty much everything behind.
2008-12-01 19:08:50 UTC
For me, I think that world missions is the most important cause I support. (Que the rolled eyes from the masses!) I go on mission trips with the Southern Baptist Mission Board. I've gotten to go all over North America, and on a couple over-seas mission trips. I've hosted vacation Bible school, taught English, held middle-school sports camps in the inner cities, and worked as a counselor in youth camps. Most trips are evangelical as well.

I also love to volunteer with Special Olympics playing volley ball and softball on "unified" teams- which consist of both disabled and non-disabled athletes.
2014-09-20 13:56:53 UTC
Why do I need a source for deciding what cause is important to me? It's a value judgement. I don't need a source to tell you what kind of music I like, right?
2008-12-01 22:10:50 UTC
Breast Cancer Awarness.

I lost my very best friend in the world to cancer a year ago,and to try and make a difference I donate to Susan G Komen foundation, send in yogurt lid tops, and purchase products that make donations to the cause. Every little thing can help to make a differenct towards finding a cure for this awful disease!!!
2014-06-14 19:23:18 UTC
I like the idea of supporting ones local economy by buying local produce when possible. I also like the idea of natural and organic foods. In my family, we have some allergies to food dye and preservatives, so we get a lot of natural and organic products because they don't have these additives. I wish they would ban these potentially harmful products.
Hank Rearden
2008-12-01 19:21:24 UTC
Real environmental stewardship - not the global socialist crap Al Gore peddles. I'm a responsible consumer.

Habitat for Humanity - shop in their home stores.

American Red Cross disaster relief and Servicemen's centers. Financial support.

United Service Organizations (USO) airport centers. Financial support.
2008-12-01 19:15:45 UTC
I am offended by the distressing demise of social cohesion in the UK. The unlimited influx of immigrants has polarised society to an extent not seen since the civil war. Only the British National Party seems to understand the dangers. I consider it my patriotic duty to spread the party's message, and to actively seek to publicize the facts which the socialist government and the BBC seek to keep from the public. The party is smeared as racist because of our anti-immigration policies. We are not racist. There are long settled communities of immigrant stock in this country who are law abiding, tax paying people and have integrated into society well.

I oppose our government's failure to stem the flow of new waves of people who threaten to overwhelm the infrastructure of this country, and who receive far more financial and social support than any British citizen could expect, and then proceed to call for warfare within.
2008-12-01 19:04:02 UTC I have personal experience with this and it is little known and supported organization. i volunteer when ever I can. I am a ceramic artist with a love for goats and have since my childhood. When I found out about this organization I couldn't help but support it. It is a world wide organization that provides animals from bees,chickens,goats, or water buffalo to people in poverty and giving them a start at a business. THe animals get a vet check for health and education of the owner. This is an active organization in Eastern Ky. in the poorest part of my state.

Thanks for asking. I love the opportunity to spread the news.
2008-12-01 16:02:19 UTC
The causes that are important to me is leukemia. This is because when my brother was only 3 years old he was diagnosed with this cancer. Also, just this past year my grandma died from it. It is a horrible thing and so many people suffer or have family members effected by it. I raise money for the leukemia and lymphoma society. Also, do light the night (a walk for the leukemia and lymphoma society). And when my brother was diagnosed he got the special privlege to be a make a wish child. So I help sponser kids exspecially around the holiday.
Larry F
2008-12-01 15:51:04 UTC

There are many things that damaging the world, and many causes trying to save the world and decreasing the lasting damages. For example, the cause to save Darfur, or the cause for animal rights; however, these things are short term, where as deforestation will continually damage our environment. Deforestation will never stop unless we work population increase, food demands increase, and therefore more land is required for farming. However, deforestation is not a solution. On the contrary, rather than expanding farm land, we should research on how to utilize the land better, etc. One project that tries to stop deforestation is the Kiefer (or Keifer, i forgot which) Project. You can purchase forest lands for a very cheap price (around $45 per hectare) so you can prevent greedy humans from damaging the precious forests that our future generations depend on.
2008-12-01 19:38:54 UTC
Clean air, clean water and preservation of nature is most important to me. More and more trees seem to get chopped down on a daily basis for urban expansion and this is harming the environment. There needs to be more land left untouched in its natural state. Shopping malls, commercial businesses and more road is simply causing more congestion, crowding and damaging nature as well as natural beauty.

But there is not much I can do, as am nothing but an ordinary citizen. It is in the hands of our politicians and leaders to do something, but rarely do they care about it.
Kristin H
2008-12-01 19:18:03 UTC
I support Operation Christmas Child, I had my work help me pack about 15 shoe boxes for kids overseas. I support ChildHelp USA, Invisible Children with buying merchandise and getting the word out, and the local foster home, my current project is making fleece blankets.
2008-12-01 18:17:54 UTC
Global warming issues, natural resources and our Forests and Park Lands are the most important. I talk as much as possible to skeptical people I meet. I have noticed alot of changes in the last 20 + years by personal observation not just because I read about it. I go camping and fishing and have noticed lakes changed for ever and dried up, the whiteness of certain sea shells no longer white but beige, a coral reef totally baren that had so much life we could sit for hours and just identify different sea cucumbers, anenomes, and jellyfish and starfish. :(. I brought my son to see and it was nothing but a flat grey bumpy mass..
2008-12-01 16:48:34 UTC
Homeland security -- avoiding another 9/11 attack.

I counsel the NCIS on harbor security. I have written 68 columns for my local paper, many of them dealing with national defense and homeland security.

I am working on a book on the USS Cole attack which will include harbor security issues all the way up to the Mumbai attack.

I answer questions from security specialists in law enforcement, and perimeter control, and biometric identification, and transponder signalling.

I do my bit. It won't matter how warm the Earth gets if you are dead. It's won't matter what civil liberties you might have enjoyed if you are dead. Being alive is a major ingredient in enjoying a cooler Earth and more wonderful civil liberties.

We are on the cusp of an age of Homicidal Barbarism which is based on grievances and supposed injustices that go back to the 11th century. To me, what's important is keeping my Homeland secure.
2008-12-01 14:18:26 UTC
I don't know if there's any organization efficiently helping this problem but I think there's one under the big names like poverty and human rights. I SUPPORT EDUCATION. I think it's important to educate people and to let them have the rights to be educated in order to see both inside and outside of their own society. It's important to all levels of people to have intelligent people to understand issues and try to do something with it. We could have any organization stopping global warming or mistreating animals but if the majority are uneducated and don't understand why we have those groups the first place. What's the point?

I like this organization called Zocalo because it allows people to participate and listen to lectures of all fields.
2014-10-27 04:21:16 UTC
ictims of a war in Northern Uganda. I got involved after I saw a documentary that really touched me, I am fundraising for it with my school.

Live Strong. Lance Armstrong is so inspiring and I wear the band and donate to the foundation.

Fannie Mae Foundation. It is to help the homeless, I go to D.C. to walk
2008-12-01 15:48:39 UTC
The overpopulation of pets, and the pets that are euthanized *every day* in this country, most specifically dogs.

I do not breed my pet-quality pets because they are "cute"; for money, or because my dog *needs* a litter. Those are all horrible excuses. I know what happens to those puppies and what happens to the shelter puppies whose potential homes are taken from them. It's a terrible thing.

I am constantly in the Dog Section (and occasionally the Cat Section as well) doing my best to persuade people to spay/neuter, not to breed for those various reasons, not to purchase from one of those breeders, and not to give up on their dogs when a little training is all that is in order. I'm not the only one there, and it's a hard task with little reward (it *is* over the internet) but it's nice to try and make a difference.

I know that, being the 161st answerer to this question, my answer will most likely not be read. But it's my cause, so I had to share it today.
2008-12-02 01:41:51 UTC
one of the most important causes which i support is the advocacy for child rape and molestation. the psychological well being of the victims as well as of the family should also be taken into consideration not just the legal aspect. as a psychologist i help victims and their family by holding counseling sessions to them especially to those who are less fortunate and in the depressed areas.
2008-12-01 21:44:46 UTC
Gay marriage rights. I will support this cause until it is passed, or I have. I believe all humans should have this most basic right, and it's sickening that it is deprived to so many.
2008-12-01 20:54:26 UTC
The two most important causes to me are my church and the National MS Society. I donate my time by volunteering in the church office once a week (more of they call). Once a year I help with Race For A Cure for the MS Society.
2008-12-01 20:42:42 UTC
The Right To Life is the most important cause of our time. I try to help financially and with prayer to stop the evil of abortion.Sometimes I wonder if someone changed the rules and forgot to tell God about it. No nation has ever survived that has supported a culture of death, never has , never will. This is not a war it is the murder of innocents, we must stop it now.
2008-12-01 18:43:53 UTC
Autism awareness, 1 in 150 children are diagnosed with autism,

Below is a link to a video of my granddaughter and her service dog:

First and foremost I give emotional support to my daughter! Also I have expressed my support of legislature to fund research on autism. I e-mail letters to any member of government (that I can find addresses for, I have received many letters in return from my local politicians. I also make donations to various organizations some listed below.
2008-12-01 13:00:29 UTC
Causes I support are those that are for the genera benefit of society and its people. Paticularly any medical research that can save lives, or aid in the fight against diesease and various medical conditions. Also, I support veteran or troop foundations as I believe that its such a small amount we can give up to those who have sacraficed so much for us.
2008-12-01 20:36:23 UTC
Love/eternity/peace/spiritual well-being ~ I pray, blog, shine a light and contribute whatever and wherever I can towards those seeking answers ~ freely loving and spreading the wealth of wisdom/knowledge that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light."

Freedom and Pro-Life ~ How many of those pro-abortion stop a moment to be thankful they weren't aborted and have the freedom to support whatever causes they choose?

Please take a few moments to hear the words of an abortion survivor, born during saline abortion: Gianna Jessen

People ~ this year, am volunteering at Salvation Army to help those less fortunate.

I love animals, whales, the environment...they are all important; but not as important as where we will spend eternity nor the "silent holocaust" of abortion.
Old Man Dirt
2008-12-01 19:17:48 UTC
Humans are the most important resource we have.

It bothers me to see the number of individuals who need emotional support that are not getting it.

So I try to share a smile with all those I meet, and if possible get them to laugh a little to lighten their load.

My wife and I have our own outreach going on, the only requirement for our help is that you have to want to get better.

Most of us have heard the wise saying -

"Love your neighbor as yourself"

Well the sad fact is that most of us never learned to love our selves with the right kind of self love.

So that is something we try to help others achieve, and in doing so we also learn better how to love ourselves.
2008-12-01 16:56:16 UTC
I support animal humanity causes and environmental causes by volunteering at local animal shelters, recycling, picking up litter, and also being a vegetarian and buying eco-friendly products. I also don't drive or own a car. Instead I take a bus or ride a bicycle. I even reuse plastic cups and plates - especially styrofoam things when possible. I think doing little things like this on a routine basis can make a small difference in ecological issues.

There are alot of other causes I support, such as promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle knowledge to prevent diseases such as heart problems and cancer.
2008-12-01 16:33:10 UTC
1. Not protecting the environment

I don't recycle. I just throw everything away. I don't drive a hybrid. I don't belong to a car pool. Why should I care about the earth if I won't live long enough to be affected by it?

2. Making beggars more independent

I don't give money to beggars since that just makes them more dependent on me. If people stopped giving them money all the time, beggars would try looking for jobs.

3. Not being an arrogant jerk who always acts selfishly.

I don't follow cars closely because they are going too slow. I don't cut in front of other cars without using my turn signal first. I don't ignore yield signs and race past people onto the highway. I don't stop in the middle of an intersection past the stop sign. I don't stand a few millimeters from people in front of me in line. I don't put other people down for different opinions or life choices. I don't act rudely because I am impatient at not being able to do whateverr I want. Grow up people.

4. I am not becoming a teacher

School does not prepare students for jobs. It just deluges them with theories that have no use in the real world. If I became a teacher instead of working in industry, then I'd be recycling useless knowledge to other students who have no use for it.
2008-12-01 16:16:12 UTC
Wetland Conservation.

Every two hours an entire football fields worth of wetlands disappears from the Mississippi delta. The wetlands are a major ecosystem that is home top many different varieties of life. Unfortunately, the only thing we citizens can do about it is inform other people of this cause. The levees that people have built stop the river from collecting silt to build up the Delta.
2008-12-01 14:11:28 UTC
Environmental, wildlife and animal-welfare and certain health-related (cancer, arthritis) causes are very important to me. Several times a week I send letters to legislators, people and businesses when I receive emails regarding a certain issue that action is needed. I also have donated money to a number of organizations.
Adult American
2008-12-01 11:58:50 UTC
First on my list is the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

There are four hundred thousand (400,000) people in the United States living with Multiple Sclerosis. Five thousand (5,000) more are diagnosed each year but we continue to have a semi-constant number of people living with MS in the US of four hundred thousand (400,000). Now either five thousand (5,000) of us are immigrating to another country each year (not likely) or we are dying of related issues caused by MS each year to the tune of five thousand young people each year.

The average age of diagnosis with MS is 30. The youngest recorded that I know of was seven (7) years old. I was diagnosed at 54, but have had it for almost 30 years. MS is debilitating, destructive and painful. It takes away ones self confidence, dignity, modesty and your ability to care for your family or self.

People give millions each year to more well known diseases that have known causes and working treatments and many already have cures. There are no treatments that prevent MS, no treatments that completely retard the advancement of MS and no known causes at this time. The disease modifying medications cause side effects almost as bad as MS, they make you sick, scar you, burn you or just plain hurt and there is no guarantee that they will keep your MS from continuing to worsen.

My second love is domesticated animals, better known as dogs and cats. They never judge a human by how well we walk or how well coordinated we are as people do. Save an animal, give it a home and love. He/she will repay you a million times over.
2008-12-01 13:01:13 UTC
AIDS research, and support for AIDS services that are available. Several years back, this was all on the front burner. Somehow, now, it's a ll been pushed to the back of the stove.

Needed, tho. Such a terrible illness, so much need.
jess b
2008-12-01 21:16:18 UTC
2008-12-01 20:30:29 UTC
We just don't know how great it is to give~ those that receive the greatest blessing are those that give the most. people that don't give, don't have a clue what this means. giving is the spark of life. and when a person gets involved with a great cause his or her life is fulfill, even though it takes a lot of time and effort. pray that we can learn from the lesson of giving.
for Da Ben Dan--Dennyhill
2008-12-01 19:49:19 UTC
I worked to get Barack Obama and other Democratic candidates elected by dong phone work for the Stonewall Democrats.

I also attended the Caucuses in February, but then I supported Mike Kucinich, I guess I'm more of a true liberal than the current crop of Democrats, but I'm far more liberal than the Republican'ts..
2008-12-01 14:44:46 UTC
When I was 12 years old,The march of dimes was trying to find a cure for polio and they paid for my entire hospital stay and for physical therapy for me plus paid for my family to come and visit me. Now they take care of birth defects but they are a very near and dear charity to me and I support them wholeheartedly.By the way, I am 72 years old so that is about 6 years before they found a cure for polio.

God bless them. They save my life.
2008-12-01 15:26:36 UTC
Pollution of our land, air and water. I take public transportation or walk/bike to minimize car use. I try to buy locally grown produce, although that can be hard as it all depends on my neighborhood grocery store stocking local grown garlic or those from China. I don't agree with the prices at stores like Whole Foods so I don't buy produce from them. I never was into the "disposable clothing" philosophy and try to maintain my clothes and donate the ones I don't wear any more. I recycle, although that can also be difficult because it all depends on the garbage collectors in my area not throwing the recyclables into the garbage pile during pick up. Conserving water by filtering tap water instead of purchasing bottled water. Another difficult effort I feel, as while I am conserving my neighbors like to open up the fire hydrants during the summer for their kids to play.
2008-12-01 14:00:43 UTC
I support 2nd Amendment rights, especially encouraging and assisting women of all ages to train and get the guns and ammo right for them for self defense. I help them find instructors in their area that teach the concealed carry classes to get their license. I also help them get into a good shooting range to practice before and after their class. I belong to the NRA and a gun club. I practice often and have my concealed carry with my at all times.

Women need to stop being victims and start being vicars. If my 70 year old neighbor can do it, anybody with a clean record can. By the way, she's armed with a Glock 17. Watch out!
2008-12-01 13:32:38 UTC
Animals and the environment... I take my dog on a pet walk every year to raise money for the local animal rescue league. I advocate adopting dogs instead of buying from pet stores, which support horrible puppy mills.

For the environment, I recycle, use energy efficient light bulbs, reuse bath towels and use reusable grocery bags.

I want to keep our planet clean and animals happy!
2008-12-01 21:57:24 UTC
Freedom and the fight AGAINST godless Communism.

To all those who say Global Warming, get a grip. OH NO 0.5 degrees in 20 years! AL GORE SAVE US!
2008-12-01 20:33:44 UTC
I am very passionate about issues going on in Sudan, particularly the genocide in Darfur. I have collected over a hundred signatures that will ask President-Elect Barack Obama to make sustainable peace in Darfur a priority from day one in office. If anyone else would like to print out the petition and ask their family, friends, classmates or coworkers to sign it, that would be wonderful. You can download it here:
2008-12-01 18:05:39 UTC
Well, I always recycle and reuse as much as possible, to save money and the environment. Every Christmas I donate money to buy animals for villages in Africa (which is a lot seeing how I'm thirteen- I'm spending my collected money from birthdays and such to buy ducks, geese, and chickens) I always donate food to the local food pantry (more probably this season because of the economic crisis) and my girl scouts and I always help the food pantry stock the food and make christmas cards.
Ray C
2008-12-01 12:34:46 UTC
The humanitarian / disaster relief work of my church. I support it with my labor, finances and prayers. Our men's group (United Methodist Men) goes out and repair/rebuild entire houses after tornadoes / hurricanes.We also, take chainsaws, trucks and our backs and cut up and remove fsallen trees from the yards of the elderly and infirm after disaster. Unlike crying out against "global warming" from one's sofa, getting off your butt and ACTUALLY doing some physical labor for another person is helpful to all concerned. Because it is organized through the local church, there is already a mechanism in place to actually get people organized and help someone who truly needs it.
Joan Z
2008-12-01 11:53:00 UTC
Oh dear I have so many causes close to my heart. I support the Autism support/research groups as my 6 year old grandson has severe autism, he has come a long way but has a long way to go. The stigma attached to these precious children as just bad kids, or retarded, the bullying, all of it is senseless and we need public awareness as well as research.

I also support the AFSP, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. My 22 year old son died from suicide 7 years ago, and just like the autism, there needs to be a huge stigma erased and more compassion and education and help available for those who have passed as well as those left behind.

My afficiendo is cats. I feed feral colonies, rescue, neuter and release, find homes for the tamer ones, have 12 cats myself, all are rescue cats and are great cats. I help others in their plights with trapping, finding lost pets, helping them get their animals spayed and neutered, etc. I spend most my time doing something for cats, it gives me great pleasure, and I've seen the thankfulness in their eyes. I love all animals though. But I have picked cats as my thing!
Chris O
2008-12-01 15:22:40 UTC
Ignorance is a problem that concerns me profoundly.

I have found that many people support certain movements or causes due to an underdeveloped understanding of that specific cause.

I'm not saying i know EVERYTHING, but i think that we should all do our best to attempt to know as much as we can, that way our decisions are rationally inferred and are not based on what a politician or activist group may say/support.
2008-12-01 15:11:35 UTC
ive honestly never really went out of my way to help out. but i do donate when i can, for instance i donated $5 to the red kettle a few days ago. i donate gently used clothes that i dont wear anymore to churches (where the recipients dont have to pay for them). ive also been looking into organizations such as big brothers and sisters which im contemplating on whether to join or not right now. and i also told my family that im not going to get them presents this year because there's nothing they really need. instead im going to spend my money on donating canned foods, and maybe work in a soup kitchen on christmas day.

btw i use tom's flouride free toothpaste. good stuff!
2008-12-01 16:02:36 UTC
I support environmental and animal rights causes. I used to pump tons of money (over $2,000 a year) into these, but the more I gave, the more they wanted. I receive 5 or 6 solicitations a day, and every response brings a letter asking for more. Finally I stopped. Now I give the same amount to local animal groups and contribute what I can in the way of supplies as well. I recycle and do lots locally for the environment of course. But the practice of constant begging, and worse, selling my name to other charities, made me quit sending money to the big guys.
2008-12-01 15:43:06 UTC
I want to help some of the poorest people in the world, in rural Africa. I support Millennium Promise financially. I'm not rich but I try to help out. Mostly my donations go to buy bed nets for people who live in areas where mosquitoes spread malaria. They also do a lot of other things. Check out their website at That's org, not com unless you want the wrong website. Also be sure to spell millennium correctly.

I encountered Millennium Promise for the first time when I read a book called "The End of Poverty" by Jeffrey Sachs. I checked it out of the library just to have something to read. I wasn't expecting much. I put the book down at 4:00 a.m.
2008-12-01 18:43:00 UTC
education for kids with specail needs and animal rescue. I am actively involved in both. I teach children with specail needs basic life skills and schooling. My family has two autistic children and i personally believe that intergration of children with special needs into the public schools helps every one learn many different levels. With animal rescue we have rescued dogs and cats from euthinization and found homes and those that would adopt them. We have retrained trouble animals and fostered many others. The new owners send e-mails on thier progress in their homes and it is a boost to our hearts to know that the animal we have grown to love is happy in their enviroment.
2008-12-01 15:22:38 UTC
My grandmother was illiterate, because she did not have the opportunity to attend schools for along period of time. She had an eigth grade education at most. Illiterate is not synoymous to ignorant, it means that you cannot read and comprehension of the written word is sub par. She taught herslief how to read the bible. I had an uncle who gave her TIME magazines to read, which expanded her vocabulary and view of the world.

In the world in which we try to live, if you cannot read and write, animals will be treated better than a person. It is absolutely necessary and of premiere importance that reading and reading comprehension is maximized within every person. Imagine, if you, the very person reading this, had to depend on what everyone tells you.
2008-12-01 13:45:51 UTC
There are several causes that I believe are important, however they wane in importance when placed against global warming: the environment. The causes of animal rights, poverty, race discrimination, abortion, war, etc. will be irrelevant if there is no planet to have these actions on. I do my best to conserve energy in my family home and neighborhood and support local causes to do the same.
Wabbit Tooth
2008-12-01 13:06:32 UTC
I am actually not worried about economy but climate change and global warming. It's hard knowing one day the world will be destroyed because so many people carelessly waste water and our precious natural resources we have a limited supply of. You turn on the sink faucet and use more than you need. Reading this you might say, "Hey...I am only one person. Nothing bad can happen." But if everyone did that and everyone said that, what would happen? A toxic dump. And we are beginning to succeed in making this wonderful planet into a toxic dump.

I have another concern, raising money for NASA to reach further into space so we can discover more. Space has always puzzled me. What do aliens really look like? How is that possible? Is there other life? Are we one of the only galaxies with life? Is there like out there smarter than us? Are we less advanced than aliens or whatever they call themselves? Helping NASA reach further and answer the questions would be fabulous.

Those are my two main causes. Hopefully this will answer you question.
Sylvia G
2008-12-01 12:54:50 UTC
Finding a cure for autism. I have worked as a behavioral therapist for young children battling autism for the past 6 years and have seen first hand the battle parents of autistic children battle trying to help their child, while not even knowing what caused it in the first place. Many parents turn to self blame and depression feeling as though they did something to cause it. Most of the parents I know have gone deep into debt trying to supply their child with the appropriate therapy services to try and bring back their child. I am the one who tries to offer hope to these parents by teaching their children skills they can use in their life, but for every two steps forward, there is always one devestating step backwards. Please help the 1:150 children diagnosed with autism and their families who deal with it every single day.
2008-12-01 12:19:18 UTC
First off, I have to agree with Lorraine K. I've given to charities and they've given my name, address, and phone number to other charities! I was getting badgered constantly from all different charities and I think that is plain wrong! I ended up having to tell them to not call me anymore. Now I give anonymously. It's the only way to do it. I'll be moving and plan on getting an unlisted number.

I also want to agree with cas5933. I hear so much about saving whales, monkeys, and dolphins, yet babies are allowed to be killed because of the mom's rights. So her life is more important than a baby's? So if you shoot a pregnant woman in the stomach and kill her baby you can be tried for murder, but if the same woman decided to abort then it's not murder? It's sickening and plain wrong! If you get pregnant you should have to have the baby and you can give it up for adoption so he or she has a chance in life like the mother and father got. There are open adoptions so the mother can always keep in contact to see how her child is doing, and see how wonderful it was that she decided to have that child and give him or her a chance.

It isn't about a woman's body and her rights because that's the only way a child can come into our world---via a uterus. What rights do the unborn have?

So my main interests are St. Jude's and The Center for Missing and Exploited Children. How painful it must be to go through life not knowing if your child is dead or alive and being tortured somewhere. My heart goes out to all parents who have to see their kids suffer with cancer and other life-threatening diseases, as well as the parents who lie awake at night wondering where their child is. So I guess I'm very into children and causes for their safety and their rights.
2014-06-21 14:04:52 UTC
I also suport the american cancer society because my mother in law also died last year of colon cancer. Also, I am an oncology nurse and am touched every day by people with cancer, many of my closest patients have passed on. So, to remember them all, I donate.
2008-12-01 17:00:45 UTC
The fight to find a cure and cause for autism. I support Autism Speaks and the Autism Society by volunteering, walks, fundraisers, educating others and creating a foundation in my son's name for children with delayed speech.
2008-12-01 14:17:11 UTC
The prevention of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. It will save a life. It will save over $100,000.00 per year per child. It is 100% preventable. I was able to help 68 out of 75 women have healthy babies yet there was and is no funding. One reason for lack of funding? A fetus no longer counts as human only an it. In the area I live the government spent over $1,000,000.00 to tell Dr's, social workers and health care workers about FAS but no money to help a pregnant woman who wanted help, who wanted help yet were denied. A 28 day treatment program isn't going to cut it for the real poor woman. The baby doesn't count until it is born then an FAS baby may have to have special equipment as a baby an special needs as it grows into adult hood. The new special education costs may and could be attributed to Alcohol Related Birth Defects, but political correctness won't allow investigations to determine the fact their are more Special Education costs. If that is the case billions could be saved by helping pregnant mothers.

It almost bankrupt me to continue but if anyone wants by help I'll give it to them.
little lu-lu
2008-12-01 14:00:30 UTC
Turner Syndrome- because my daughter has it, I am a member of the TSS and pass knowledge of this chromosomal "disorder" to all I come in contact with.

abuse/cruelty to animals- spay/neuter our own animals as to hold down the over population of cats and dogs. ALWAYS support our local SPCA.

The environment-recycle

Have several more but here's my top 3
Gershon S
2008-12-01 13:01:24 UTC
Children, homelessness. I send a monthly contribution to organizations such as Operation Smile, St. Jude Hospital, Girls and Boys town, Broward county outreach center, Miami rescue mission.
The Wormist
2008-12-01 12:18:35 UTC
because one person alone cannot change the world,l have picked my own little cause. every time l go fishing at my favorite lake, l pick up all the discarded fishing line l find. birds and other critters get tangled in this stuff and can die. l have released one coot and one grackle this last year alone. of course, l pick it up at other lakes too. this has become somewhat of a fetish with me. also, l won't get tangled on it with my own line when the lake level rises since it is no longer there, so it benefits me and other humans also. l feel that it is the little things each of us can do that will make the biggest difference. you can look at a park, river or shoreline and say with pride, "l did that".
2008-12-01 19:59:36 UTC
I want all people to be able to take care of themselves and their families -- so I support It's a site where you can loan money to people in various countries to finance their businesses. The loans are small -- and you can loan as little as $25. So far, all my loans have been paid back. I've had the pleasure of helping a man in Africa buy a boat, a woman in Mexico buy Christmas merchandise for her small store and a shoemaker in Afghanistan expand his stock.
2008-12-01 18:44:05 UTC
Susan G. Komen for the Cure is a very big deal for me. As a kid, you'd think I don't get many chances to help...but as president of the local National Junior Honor Society, I get to raise funds for my favorite cause on a regular basis.
2008-12-01 16:55:34 UTC
I think the most important cause that people should be aware of is the fact that many animals are in shelters. I volunteer at shelters and donate money.

If you want to help animals you can donate food by answering one question on the below sites. For each answer they donate 10 pieces of kibble to various animal shelters. It doesn't seem like much but it adds up fast. I promise that this isn't a scam and no viruses or spam are on this site. Please do it. I do it every time I can. Thank You!

To donate to dogs go to:

To donate to cats go to:
2008-12-01 13:55:48 UTC

I am with you 100% of the way.

The cause which is the most important to me is to stop the killing of unborn human beings.

In America nearly 4,000 unborn children are killed each day. These are living, growing, human beings. They may not be "babies" yet, but they are human.

I support any person's "right to choose" as long as it does not harm another human being. An unborn child is another human being. It has a different DNA than its mother; this alone is scientific proof that it is a different human being.

After conception, an embryo contains 46 or 47 chromosomes- this is a characteristic of being a human being.

We were all once fetuses and yes, we were all parasitic in nature at one point in time. This is part of the human life cycle and should be respected as such.

I am not talking about abortions where one life is chosen over the other. I am talking about the decision to abort based on the mother's desire alone.

There are some highly charged instances where abortion begins to seem like a decent alternative (rape and incest). These cases account for less than 2% of the abortions performed, however, and the bottom line is that we are killing thousands of unborn children each day.

What does the climate matter when we are raising a nation of people who do not respect human life?

At least the animals do not kill their unborn. What's that you say? They kill their babies after birth? Well we have had our share of that too and we just elected a President who voted against a ban on born alive abortion (this is where you kill a baby who was born after a botched abortion). He voted against it several times.

Why did he vote against it? Well, to make sure that abortion itself was safe, of course. He valued abortion so much that he was willing to devalue babies that were kicking and screaming. We, as a country, voted him in office. Excellent.

Want more:

And what do I do? I argue. I bring this nasty subject up. People squirm. They make up excuses. They say that they don't support it but they won't tell anyone else that they can't do it. Let's hope this attitude doesn't spread to the rest of our lives....

"Well, I beat my children until they were crippled but I won't tell my next door neighbor that he can't do it."

Choice eh? Freedom eh? How many of the guys that you see standing up for abortion are also standing up for female equality in the workplace? How many of them talk about a woman's right to be heard, a woman's right to be in office, a woman's right...

Oh wait... they just want to make sure that they have an escape route too.

Disgusting. And the majority of the country ignores the issue while worrying about the climate and how their cars are going to be fueled in the future.
The Name Guru
2008-12-01 20:00:41 UTC
Dog rescue and preventing animal cruelty. I support real pro animal organizations and never give a dime to those animal haters Peta.
John L
2008-12-01 18:09:44 UTC


Don't care about animal testing frankly would prefer the products to be tested on rats than on human beings(im vegeterian).

Support stems cell research because lets face, we need to grow needed body parts no one is donating.

Supports abortion, because it's ultimately the woman's choice. The baby is still not a human!!!

Why bring a child when the parents are clearly not ready. And damn sure the gvt isn't comptent enough to look after the children if the gvt is willing to take responsibility. Nothing against single parents, but statistically their children commit the most crime. Maybe its because single parent have to do extra work, leaving chn to fend for themselves (im from single mum). And we complain people get social benefits for having more children.

Making poverty history isn't that much expensive. Funny enough, as people get richer, the fewer children they have, therefore curbing population growth...
2008-12-01 18:07:00 UTC
I decided after much consideration that I cant help everyone so I chose a number of charities to support based on their reputation.
2008-12-01 17:16:50 UTC
I support World Vision with all my heart. One day I hope to go over there and work with the children in building a better community and creating a healthier lifestyle for all of those children. It hits a bit close to home when I think about all of the things I had handed to me as a kid that they don't and probably never will have!
2008-12-01 20:13:27 UTC
Recycling is important to me. So I recycle at home. I actually take the time to rinse containers and sort them for the recyling truck.

Also, corporate social responsibility is imperative to me, therefore, I partronize companies that exhibit it.
2008-12-01 17:27:25 UTC
Mine may not be as elaborate as others but here is goes; I teach music and art to K - 3 children at a public school and we always go and sing at the nursing home and I take the time to visit with my own children more during the holidays. We recycle old VHS videos at school and give them to the nursing home residents to watch.

We send cards to our soldiers across the seas for Christmas.

I always buy and made a special dinner for a needy family from our school. I did this few years ago to a family and all they had to eat was beans and tortillas. A few months later the grandmother who was raising her 3 grandsons past away. I was so glad I took the effort to make the dinner for her family. I think we should all make an effort to make a difference somehow, somewhere whether it is great or small.
2008-12-01 15:41:40 UTC
Make-A-Wish foundation, Ronald Mcdonald House (my daughter is a make-a-wish kid and we have stayed at the RMH), Animal Defense League and Child Abuse Prevention organizations. It is important to help the ones who have no voice of their own.
2008-12-01 15:30:00 UTC
My cause the the FairTax act H.R. 25

For those who don’t know about the FairTax, a little background:

The FairTax Plan is a comprehensive proposal that replaces all federal income and payroll taxes with an integrated approach including a progressive national retail sales tax on new items only, a rebate to ensure no American pays federal taxes on spending up to the poverty level, dollar-for-dollar federal revenue replacement, and, through companion legislation, repeal of the 16th Amendment. This nonpartisan legislation (HR 25/S 1025) abolishes all federal personal, gift, estate, capital gains, alternative minimum, Social Security, Medicare, self-employment, and corporate taxes and replaces them with one simple, visible, federal retail sales tax – collected by existing state sales tax authorities. The FairTax taxes us only on what we choose to spend, not on what we earn. It does not raise any more or less revenue; it is designed to be revenue neutral. The FairTax is a fair, efficient, transparent, and intelligent solution to the frustration and inequity of our current tax system. More details can be found at
2008-12-01 19:54:41 UTC
Children and education. I work in academia and was lucky enough to get all of the education that I needed. I'd like to see others get that chance. I just gave a set of dictionaries to a school today because it was my birthday.
2008-12-01 15:03:45 UTC
Helping rid poverty, informing/helping others go green. I help out with an organization called "Compassion International." $32/month goes to a child's clothing, food, housing needs. By informing others and asking them "do you want your grandchildren to see the polar bears?." That usually helps them make the transition, however small.
2008-12-01 12:47:25 UTC
I saw an interesting answer and I agree.

Explain to me why everyone is bragging about all the ways they contribute and everything they do, competing with each other trying to sound the best, about animal rights and the environment, when there are babies being heartlessly murdered and no one stands up for them.

Supporting animal rights is great and I fully support it, but why are there unborn babies with no one supporting them? Why does a dog abuser get more attention and criminal justice then an aborter of a baby?
2008-12-01 18:01:02 UTC
Reducing global, human reproduction and resource consumption rates. Since I don't know of any official agencies or organizations that are addressing these issues. I just try to point out the necessity of dealing with them to as many people as I can.
2008-12-01 15:46:44 UTC
HIV AIDS.. I support the awareness activities in my country. Over the years there has been a dramatic increase to the number of people with AIDS. To have the these under control everyone has to make AIDS a national issue and not just a Health problem. These campaign must involve the politician, NGO, Religion, students or everyone to make this a priority... apart from making awareness, we also address the issue of stigma discrimination.
Bona C
2008-12-01 15:14:22 UTC
World Peace. I support the effort by listening to Pacifica Radio (it is 90.7 FM KPFK here in Los Angeles) and LINK TV and Amy Goodman's Democracy Now program.

I support the efforts of Congressman Dennis Kucinich to establish in the USA a cabinet level Department of Peace to foster peace in individuals, families, communities, countries and across countries, religions, sexes, ethnicities, etc. Look at causes of violence and what alleviates those causes.

Peace goes a long way toward solving the other problems.

The station mission statement at PACIFICA. org

explains it very well.
2008-12-01 14:10:14 UTC
Masonic Children's Hospital/Eye Clinic.....married to a Scottish Rite Mason......give at least 100 dollars a month. Formerly worked in the eye clinic as a nurse. Also support Breast Cancer Research and participate in marathons to raise money for that purpose
2008-12-01 13:37:19 UTC
I am most concerned with the poor of our nation and locally. There are so many people in need.

I support them by giving to the Salvation Army(I know they will help anyone), I don't give to the United Way, or Red Cross because as far as I'm concerned they have to much overhead for themselves, and they pick and choose who to help.
2008-12-01 13:30:57 UTC
Climate change!!! BAH humbug! rather go to the more pressing matters like housing orphaned children in Africa due to the aids pandemic.

what do i do? i actually traveled there and hand built some of them.

Not that i disagree with sponsorship, because i do sponsor, but rather just see first hand my money being spent on better quality of life.

you can never be a hundred percent sure where the money goes if you hand it over to a big organisation.
Elizabeth H
2008-12-01 18:01:10 UTC
I support all Cancer Research ( lost my mother who was only 49 ) - donations

I support Multiple Sclerosis Research ( my best friend has this condition ) - donations

I fervently support Cardiac Research ( lost my father who was only 44) and i myself am recovering from a quadruple by-pass. - donations
Tim B
2008-12-01 12:25:10 UTC
I support a resource called Anthem of Hope which provides care and comfort and resources to the terminally ill and their care givers. I am on the core team developing the package.

You can read teh story of a man named Darren who lost his wife to brain cancer this past year at

The resource is in developmental phase, but is coming along nicely you can read about it at
2008-12-01 15:35:08 UTC
To Write Love On Her Arms. (TWLOHA.)

I feel odd because it's not one of those step up and be green type of causes, like everyone else's who have answered.

Though, I support this cause because it helps the people who can't afford, or need help with depression. I've gone through depression myself, and I'm also bi-polar. I feel it's my way of giving to people who also need the help, that my family gives me. I know how the people feel, and it's what I feel I can help make a small difference in.
Da Bomb
2008-12-01 19:08:14 UTC
Habitat for Humanity because people invest their own time & effort building their home. It is much more meaningful to them & they tend to keep it in good repair and have more self worth.

Fr. Flanagan's Boys and Girls Town because helping abused & neglected children become loved, throw off their bad situations and grow up to be productive citizens males everyone win!
cat lady
2008-12-01 16:37:33 UTC
There are many causes that are near and dear to me.

One I would like to mention here is ending euthanasia of healthy, adoptable shelter animals. The Newnan-Coweta Humane Society is a great example of a worthy animal-rights cause. They are not a large operation, yet they have saved thousands of dogs, cats, kittens, and puppies from inhumane gas chambers.

Another cause is Ally Cat Allies. Feral cats are cats, too, and they deserve our respect. Right now, people shoot, injure, mutilate, and kill cats that never hurt a soul, simply because they had the bad luck of being abandoned/born wild.

Please Spay and Neuter, and check the pound before buying! You can get many wonderful pedigrees and mixed-breeds for half the price, plus saving a life. Even if you adopt from a no-kill, you save a life because now the shelter can save another animal from euthanasia.
2008-12-01 14:35:27 UTC
Hi, I support the elderly. because one day I will be one and someone may have to care of me. I've dedicated myself to being a certified nurses assistant, since 1998 I've worked in nursing homes and have traveled also I've worked one on one with patients in their homes. I must add this job isn't for everyone. You have to have compassion and love for this job, I'm not going to lie to you it's not easy. You get attached and when they pass on it's like losing a family member. and it's also alot of stress because you sometimes have to work long hours and most holidays and your immediate family sometimes comes last. but hey this is what career I chose and my family supports me 110%.
2008-12-01 16:39:58 UTC
I have many causes that I support by my own actions. I believe completely in protecting the environment and I have worked in nature centers since 1987 teaching children all about it. I also believe in organ donation and I volunteer to speak about my experiences for the local organ and tissue sharing network. I believe in supporting schools. I volunteer in the local school and pto organizations on a regular basis. I quote Gandhi when I say, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
Voice of reason
2008-12-01 15:32:08 UTC
Humanitarian causes

and anything that promotes or improves the mental, physical well being of CHILDREN.

here's some things I do:

Teach my own child to be humble, kind and recognize others needs and to relay information to other kids and make projects to help *kids helping kids*

regularly donate to Feed The Children

organized a local coat drive

volunteer to tutor special needs kids

Collect videos for children in pediatric hospitals

taught a self esteem class for children

I am hoping to adopt a child/ren someday but cannot afford it at the moment.

But am working towards it and someday I will.

Thanks for asking.
2008-12-01 14:31:31 UTC
TransCanada Trail. It connects all us Canadians and I appreciate what it stands for.

Currently I support them by using the system and writing newspaper articles about it. When I get out of school I can start donating time and money.
2008-12-01 21:15:49 UTC
Cruelty of animals bothers me the most. I donate to the humane society, ASPCA, and give to greenpeace hoping they can stop the japanese from slaughtering thousands of whales and dolphins each year.
robert f
2008-12-01 20:59:11 UTC

lately I have had a big interest in nuclear power and all the benefits it offers...

I am waiting to see how long it will take for Iran to get the WOMD in place to get this economy moving again...

perhaps the new pres. can give this a push by thrusting a few hundred thousand troops into the Mid East....
2008-12-01 17:00:19 UTC
Crime Prevention.

I Help Young People Get Jobs And I Do Outdoor Activities(sports,hiking,exercising) With Them.
2008-12-01 14:10:07 UTC
For me, the most important cause is medical research and to support organizations such as the breast cancer foundation and the terry fox foundation, I take part in and fundraise for events they hold every year.
2008-12-01 12:53:33 UTC
The preservation of life, from conception to natural death, is the most important cause to me. I've joined the Respect for Life club at my university (I'm a freshman) and I've made a ton of really amazing friends. We pray and sidewalk counsel outside abortion clinics. We protested our Catholic university's decision to give an ethics award to a pro-abortion Supreme Court justice. We are protesting an NYC council hearing banning peaceful protest outside abortion clinics.

I will be attending the March for Life for the first time this January, and I'm really excited.

This is the most important cause for me because I believe God doesn't want us to kill other human beings, no matter what.

"There's something different up there than there is down here?"

"Yes. Life. Life is up there. And life always matters very much... doesn't it?" - The Poseidon Adventure
2008-12-01 12:13:57 UTC
I believe that we should first eliminate local problems before working on international ones. So I support causes that are in my own back yard like helping local families in need or helping in a soup kitchen or helping with a clothing drive.
2008-12-01 11:30:20 UTC
kids are neglected (in many different ways) by their parents.

i'm the house on the block all the kids hang out at. i listen to them and try to understand where they're coming from. i don't judge, and try to give kind and friendly advice on how they can approach their parents about an issue. and if that's out of the question, i may relate an experience from my past that may apply, or help them not repeat the dumb mistakes i've made. they all know my door is always open to them, and i think that gives them a small sense of security in this big world.

kids are the cause, responsible adults are the solution.
2008-12-01 22:06:07 UTC
My cause:

1- Assist Women in my country Saudi Arabia to have better life..

2- Help the environment worldwide.


for the first cause :Help my wife and daughters to be able to express themselves more and find out what they want and help her achieve their goals


for the second :: I care about the environment..I try to use my car only when necessary ,,I use florescent lamps ..I promote energy conservation at home and at job ..I practice family planning ..
2008-12-01 14:10:35 UTC
Shriner's Help hurt kids all the time. I believe that they have the best cause. Supporting and helping our future. Real kids with real problems. They are not bias to age, religion, color or finances they just help. Cheers to the Shriner's.
2008-12-01 13:56:55 UTC
I support global warming. I help by doing community work. Also, I go to different colleges telling them not to smoke and I am a 5th grade D.A.R.E trainer assistant so I help that way too! For a scholar, I am doing pretty well in helping out our planet!
2008-12-01 12:13:42 UTC
Education, particularly Math and Science. There are not enough US children interested and proficient in math and the sciences. I have tutored on and off for many years, paid and non-paid, to help students of all ages become more confident in mathematics. My failing students start acing their classes and they begin to LOVE math. We need to help our children be globally competitive and able to accomplish whatever they want to in life. Education is a way to freedom of various forms.
2008-12-01 19:29:30 UTC
End animal abuse in the world we need to have stiffer sentences for puppy mill ,animal abuse,set up a data with offenders so we can see them the need to register also.stop gassing in animal shelters and so many other related abuses.
2008-12-01 17:45:53 UTC
Animal Rights. I believe in this because animals are just as good as humans, and have just as many feelings. It breaks my heart to see them mistreated in any way. I adopt my pets, and I'm working with the community service club @ my school to organize an adoption fair!

Adopt, Don't Shop! Puppy Mills Breed Cruelty! Uggs are Uggly! Why don't they test shampoo and stuff on the people who will actually use it, instead of torturing innocent animals?
2008-12-01 15:27:53 UTC
I feel that causes for the animals (WWF, ASPCA) are good, yes I suport them when I can, by donating to my local humane society and helping out when I can (by making toys for dogs with ring worm, and things like that). I also think enviormental (I recycle...) and causes for the needy and sick (the REAL causes) are good too. The only ones I support of those are the reliable ones, like when we had wildfires here I went down to one of the shelters. And, of course, the more established ones. The Salvation Army, for instance.

I did a walk for Rady Childrens Hospital in September. It was a blast, and it felt awesome to know I was helping those kids. I wasn't on a team or anything, but I did still donate!

I look up to one of my old teachers for inviting men in uniform to her house for thanksgiving, because they can't spend thanksgiving with the family.

P.S. Love your products! I smell like apricot right now because of you! Thanks for switching to alternative energy for your factories!
Aaron H
2008-12-01 18:54:18 UTC
Myself and I support myself with a job. Why should the lower and middle classes be relied on for charity?
tanika l
2008-12-01 20:49:52 UTC
gay rights! people should be allowed to choose who they want to spend their time with and who they want to have consented sex with. it is diffenetly not up to the government, religion, other people, or majority rule to step into ppls personal lives and judge their choices. unless those choices are harming others. this is a vision our founding fathers had in mind when creating our country. denying gay people rights that are warranted to all humans in this nation is against what our nation believes in, because that is certainly a situation where the mental stability of another person(s) is being harmed.
2008-12-01 19:08:53 UTC
I really love to support WWF, and ASPCA, as well as clean energy foundations and water conservation. I enjoy donating and helping people around me, too.
2008-12-01 16:32:34 UTC
The causes that are the most important to me are animal rights and the environment. It's for that reason that I am a vegan and that I make it a point to not use products that are tested on animals if humane alternatives exist. I also use cloth shopping bags, eco-friendly light bulbs, and eco-friendly household products. Last, but certainly not least, I'm now trying to buy more organic food.
2008-12-01 13:54:24 UTC
Really poor children in really poor countries. The kind of grinding poverty that we can't imagine. I joined the Peace Corps. I also send money to organizations like World Vision and Save the Children.
2008-12-01 11:43:28 UTC
Teaching children respect for elders and life in general. To not take anything or anyone for granted.

Started with my two sons and now our one and only Grandson. Worked very well for our sons and is having a true and positive impact on our Grandson.

Preached the same values during 18 years of coaching little league baseball, football and soccer teams. Whenever I see any of the old team players, they are always polite and couteous, and continually thank me for the way I coached them.
Ruth G
2008-12-01 16:56:43 UTC
Trying to help keep American jobs by using my own time and money to promote American business, large and small, companies having factories and payrolls in the USA for you, your neighbors, your children and grandchildren.

That is one of the causes I support.The website is called American Made Yes

I receive emails from all over the country telling me how hard it is to find out the names of brands that are made in the USA. They encourage me to keep the website going. Also I receive some very sad letters from struggling companies, some of them having to close their doors.

We have a great country, people from all over the world who come here to imrove their lives and that of their children. I want to help keep it the land of opportunity.

If you believe in the cause, keeping American jobs, pleae tell your friends to look at the website and spread the word.
2008-12-01 16:54:15 UTC
Animal Human Society.
Mystine G
2008-12-01 14:53:52 UTC
I support the cause of myself and my right to live free. To support this cause, I live responsibly and don't expect other people to pay for my mistakes.

Because I value my own life above all other things, I will now get tons of thumbs down from those that suffer from self-loathing. That is not my problem. It is yours.
in the money
2008-12-01 12:55:23 UTC
I like to donate to worthwhile causes like cancer research hospices and i fill shoe boxes for the smaritan purse every christmas it gives toys/clothes to children in poorer countries
2008-12-01 19:31:28 UTC
I most important cause is the restoration of the original ideas of the American fore fathers. I vote Libertarian!
2008-12-01 17:17:06 UTC
The right to keep and bear arms is very important to me. Every day we hear of people being robbed, physically attacked, and killed by criminals. The thing most of the victims have in common is they don't have a gun when they are attacked. When someone calls 911 he is calling for a man with a gun to come defend him, and too often help arrives too late and an ambulance is then called to remove the body of the innocent victim.

In order to help preserve our right to defend ourselves I became a Life Member of the National Rifle Association, the worlds oldest civil rights organization. I support the NRA with occasional monetary contributions and I buy from the NRA online store.

I also practice the right to keep and bear arms and have a 10mm Glock pistol in my pocket now. If I ever see a criminal attacking someone I will stop the attack and then call 911 to report the crime I stopped.

Everyone who loves freedom should join the NRA so that we all can pass the freedom we were given on to the next generation of Americans. I thank God that the wise men who wrote the United States Constitution made the right to keep and bear arms one of our most basic freedoms, right beside freedom of speech in out Bill of Rights.
2008-12-01 16:14:08 UTC
The folks confined to Nursing Homes. I volunteer my time when possible at our local Nursing Home. I also take a pet there to visit, which the residents really enjoy. I also take part in fund raisers to earn money for the home. I have helped to deliver products there as well. I also assist in the in-home sunday religious services there.
2008-12-01 11:10:29 UTC
It is unfortunate, I think, that soooo many charities have had some sort of scandal connected with them. So I try to make my contributions 1) in a way that I know can't be abused and 2) get involved myself as a kind of human contribution. Rather than jusy giving money to the local SPCA, I go and buy a big bag of puppy chow for the dogs and a box of pastries for the volunteers. This way, my money isn't diverted into "administrative expenses," which I perceive as Post-It notes or MBF (the "Manager's Beer Fund")

With other agencies -- cancer killed my father and AIDS has killed many of my friends -- I choose to offer myself as a buddy or reader rather than a $50 that can go anywhere (see MBF above). This coming year I'm going to try and work reading to the blind into my schedule.
2008-12-01 19:12:20 UTC
i believe that the end to the hunger is an important cause because food is essential to human survival. education and rehabilitation are not.
2008-12-01 18:54:16 UTC
Hi Tom,

I have my students trick or treating for UNICEF every Halloween, and also signed up with Macy's wedding registry, with UNICEF being my charity of choice.
2008-12-01 17:19:07 UTC
I have volunteered my time to play the piano for nursing home residents. They are extremely appreciative, love to see and meet new people, and after wards i feel a great sense of satisfaction that i made someones day.
2008-12-01 11:41:01 UTC
Autism Speaks, simply because the incidence of autism is very prevelaprevalents one of the most underfunded disorder. It needs more research in order to discover by 1/150 children are suffering from this disorder. And what can be done to stop it.
2008-12-01 21:08:41 UTC
Hey Tom's of Maine. I just bought your Peppermint mouth wash today! Haha funny?
2008-12-01 12:26:19 UTC
I advocate and speak up boldly , truth to power for our servicemembers, veterans, families and their caregivers.

Our military give 8 years up to and including putting their lives on the line so that we can have the freedom to live in such a forwarding thinking, paradigm shifting Country.
2008-12-01 12:18:01 UTC
The most important things to me are my Constitutional rights. Without them, nothing else matters. You can cry and whine about the environment all you want, but it's the Constitution that gives you the right to do it.

If you don't support all of the Constitution, you have no right to complain about anything.

2008-12-01 19:15:22 UTC
Network Neutrality. Don't let your Internet Service Provider censor your internet! Internet should be free of traffic shaping and throttling!

I SUPPORT NET NEUTRALITY, it's your internet!
*Coolboy*® SHANE
2008-12-01 17:09:31 UTC
International Human Rights

Free speech. The right to express yourself is really important to me.

Right to live , Freedom , Equality , Peace
♥ severelynormal
2008-12-01 13:31:11 UTC
Alcoholism recovery- do service work. Advocate for and spend time with individual disabled adult women. Donate to the food bank. Believe in random acts of kindness by anonymity and helping people in distress (needing a vehicle pushed, someone crying by the road etc) Donate to the Humane Society.
2008-12-01 20:23:13 UTC
HUMAN RIGHTS! I know that's a broad topic, but I didn't want to narrow it down. In a nutshell, it's time for us to embrace our differences and start loving each other.
2008-12-01 19:06:10 UTC
i support majority ppl's answer, and hoping i can be great help to the world, though im still a student
2008-12-01 17:05:12 UTC

I would have to say the problem with poverty and homelessness. Not to say that climate change isn't as important but. We need to show that we can take care of our other beings in the world, before we can take care of the world. But that is just my opinion :)
2008-12-01 16:39:32 UTC
Equine rescue, esp ex-racehorses. I send in donations whenever possible.

Also, homeless and other needy people. I support the Salvation Army on a regular basis.
Bill F
2008-12-01 16:24:30 UTC
Easy one for me - Organ and Tissue donation - for 11 years now the heart of a 23 year old has kept me going strong - I have spoken in hundreds of venues and personally issued over 200,000 donor cards -his story may be seen at - 55 donations from one body!
*Brianna Nicole*
2008-12-01 12:36:32 UTC
Anti-abortion is one of the many causes that is most important to me. Why should a life not be given the chance to live because of someone's mistake? I think abortion should be totally banned for people who use it as a "birth control" method and decide to kill their unborn child because they had unprotected sex. I know mistakes happen, but don't go and take it out on an innocent life.

But what about pregnancies resulting from rape and incest? I don't think it's totally right to terminate a pregnancy in a case like that, but it's far more understandable than killing an unborn baby because of a mistake you made.

I think that nowadays society tells us that we either have to be 100% for or 100% against a cause. I can't say I'm totally against abortion, because I understand how difficult it is for someone to carry on a pregnancy caused by rape or incest, but I am downright against someone killing an unborn child because of a stupid mistake they made. I have similar views with animal testing; I think it's awful when animals are brutally treated just to test new products, but as long as they are not being harmed and are in safe, humane conditions and are being tested for necessary things, such as cures for diseases, rather than things like makeup - then it's alright.
Alana D
2008-12-01 17:41:38 UTC
Animal right in factories.

Why should we treat chickens, pigs or any other animal lower than us, just imagine if we were the animals, would we want to be abused, thrown, eaten to death or worse. I mean we are always talking about how we need equality, well start with the helpless animals who don't have a voice, they can hear but can not speak.

How is this just, or fair?
2008-12-01 21:31:04 UTC
I think, sometimes I feel so tried but I just pray
2008-12-01 15:25:21 UTC
JDRF....Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation...I am a diabetic myself and i join the walk to cure diabetes every year!...This Cause means a lot to especially that because of these people, i CAN see a cure for type 1 diabetes within my lifetime!!

2008-12-01 15:17:24 UTC
i support a charity called "To Write Love On Her Arms".

and because i know what its like to be going through what people who are apart/support/being helped by twloha are experiencing.

its a good cause, and i love it.
2008-12-01 18:43:46 UTC
My pet causes:

The local children's hospital for physically and mentally challenged

Susan J. Komen Foundation

My alma mater

Local church, volunteer fire companies

Support by participation in events and money.
2008-12-01 16:25:24 UTC

conscious/constant effort to reduce, reuse, recycle

by coincidence, we use Tom's products because of your environmental stand in making/marketing/packaging

Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer:

donate for research

don't smoke!!!

Human Rights:

treat others as you would want to be treated
2008-12-01 15:35:57 UTC
No wars based on lies.

If Americans want to let their country lie to the rest of the world, and make deals with dictators, assassinate or overthrow elected leaders, torture people and so on in order to strategically control natural resources and secure political allies, we should be honest with ourselves about it.

So much wrong with our society can directly be traced to the delusion we try to force on our children, that we are doing all these things to "fight for freedom". We're the only industrialized country that never fought a war based on imperialistic expansion or economic domination of a another country.

We just fight for freedom and fight "muslim fanatics" that hate our freedom and way of life, and it has nothing to do with us trying to install dictators or create fake elections to secure favors for the elite, making half rationalized murder OK.

Until we fix this, and can honestly talk about why our government does some things, we will be more messed up than we need to be in horrible ways.

You can't even have a rational conversion on the subject with many people, since the news acts like that's crazy talk, and promotes the idea that those who see the obvious are crazy. It means we have no say really in who our country kills or why. It means that massive distractions pile up, to redirect all the good we could be. It means we will never really evolve or see peace until we deal with that.

What I do is not fall for frauds, if I can help it. I say no to any politican that denies our imperialistic history and promotes false national pride, because I know they are trying to trick me again.
2008-12-01 20:45:52 UTC

I can keep secrets.

I've got 44 years of expertise.

Domestic and International.

Can't you fly under radar?
Generic Name
2008-12-01 14:24:23 UTC
I support the unique right of Americans to be able to own firearms. To support this, I give to the NRA. I am also big on helping the homeless, but I help them individually (there is a guy who lives under the bridge by my girlfriend's house) by sharing the meals I make, giving water, winter clothing, and that kind of stuff.
2008-12-01 13:26:32 UTC
Most important to me is the cause of supporting thy lord in a welcoming and non-forceful way. The goal is to save people for the next eternal world.
2008-12-01 16:26:48 UTC
Serving the Lord and i support it by helping his people who are in need of any kind of help that i know i can offer and make a change.
2008-12-01 18:15:23 UTC
race for the cure

the walks the fundraisers

its all such a GREAT cause
2008-12-01 17:28:16 UTC
I support Atheism. Me being an atheist do not go around trying to convince people to change their beliefs, but i do think that it is the true way to live. The bible contradicts itself in many aspects and does not answer any questions at all. It is illogical to believe in something that you've never seen. Religion has kept society from going amuck, we have to give credit to that. But religion has also caused the retardation of development of scientific breakthroughs. With their beliefs in a "soul" and such, even in fetus, they have stop the scientific investigation of something that promises to save the lives of millionns of people. It is these types of effects from religion that bother me. I choose to be secular, and quite frankly i don't care what are people's beliefs, but when they interfere with the outside world, that's when it becomes a problem. To me, this is the most important cause that i would support.
2008-12-01 17:13:58 UTC
Animal shelters and the SPCA - donations of money and food; crafts and baskets for their raffles and sales.

Food bank - donations of food and cash.

Children in need - donations close to home and two 'fosters' in developing countries.

The environment - I reuse and recycle and have reduced consumption of consumer goods, am careful of water and electricity (makes economic sense as well as environmental sense), and don't drive when I can walk. I plant trees.
2008-12-01 12:34:55 UTC
Young Life's High Rollers, it's a special needs christian youthgroup. I am a leader, we go to summer and fall camps. These kids have turned my life in such a different direction. Their fellowship and unconditional love keep me going day in - day out.
2008-12-01 19:49:52 UTC
I Am incredibly pro-life and I work with women's crisis shelters in order to help young women to find a way to cope with their rapes or to find a place to care for their child. Every life is worth living!

Oh btw Im completely against the go green movement. I think it's bogus, because liberals support it, yet they don't support giving children life. I honestly think that's what the creator of this earth wants us to focus on is the children and if we keep focusing on his earth He'll be like "Oh yeah, well here's what I think of MY earth!" and explode it...

also, i bought some earth friendly tissues that gave my nose a rash for a week. WTF!
Anna Banana :)
2008-12-01 16:29:51 UTC
Personally, I support any kind of research for heart attack and stroke. they are the number one and three killers in the us, but i feel that people brush that statistic off the table. this is important to me because my father died of heart disease at 49 and my mom died at 50 of an unexpected heart attack.
2008-12-01 10:44:57 UTC
I teach people how to be calm and happy without the cost, toxicity or nasty side effects of psychiatric medications. I volunteer two hours daily giving moral support and information to people who took antidepressants or sleeping pills as prescribed but got sick from them anyway. Slow tapers and a lot of moral support because some people 18 months later are sick with everything from headaches to IBS to panic attacks.
2008-12-01 13:50:08 UTC
-I support gay rights, gay marriage, etc. Though I'm not gay myself, I hate how America, on the most part, is full of homophobes (which I HATE!) and has a lot to develop yet to become more perfect.

-I want to eradicate any other prejudice or bigotry (sexism, racism, furphobia (is that a word? It is now.).

-I support the rights of animals; I am against euthanasia (if we let homeless children live, then why do we kill animals? Are their lives less valuable than human ones?).

That's pretty much it.
2008-12-01 11:07:50 UTC
The most important cause for me would be suicide prevention. I had a friend who killed himself 2 years ago, and my life hasn't been the same since. I never would want to see families go through what his friends and family went through.

To support this, I donate money and walk each year in the Out of the Darkness Walk for suicide prevention.
2008-12-01 10:13:00 UTC
The best Cause I have found is the make a wish foundation.I give what I can anonymously,with no tax breaks whatsoever. These kids have the toughest time in life and many will have the last wish granted through the foundation.Climate world peace,etc are important but not as imperative as a youngsters wish when life is so short.

2 yrs ago in my city"Carlos Santana" I am told was here to play Guitar with a terminally ill youth.I hold him to be a lifes hero for his genorosity.

Bravo!! Carlos and those who will give a little of themselves this and all seasons.
2008-12-01 15:47:02 UTC
stop puppy mills
2008-12-01 19:53:27 UTC
stopping puppy mills and animal abuse- stopping the slaughtering of whales, dolphins and baby seals - trying to make people see what they are doing when they are ruining our planet - trying to get other people involved...
2008-12-01 18:31:12 UTC
eradication of pseudo moral companies like Tom's. To support this cause, I refuse to buy their products and tell everyone else how nasty they are.
2008-12-01 14:25:46 UTC
ASPCA: Because I can not stand the selfish humans who only think about themselves and beat animals for the fun of it.

WWF: They are protecting our wildlife and nation!!
2008-12-01 14:16:45 UTC
Stopping this recession, cause I got no job.
2008-12-01 17:47:23 UTC
Causes that affect the most people. Even if it's not me.

answer mine?
2008-12-01 20:30:36 UTC
I support solid family values such as live strong.
Ronald C
2008-12-01 20:07:36 UTC
Climate change
Chris Pascale
2008-12-01 12:45:05 UTC
My wife and I like to support Habitat for Humanity. To do this we had foregone party favors at our wedding and gave the money that would've been spent on them to H4H.

My wife has money from her check taken out to go directly to The Children's Hospital, and when I was working I had money go out of my check to the Navy/Marine Corps Relief Society.

We don't do more, though we could.
2008-12-01 13:43:01 UTC
Welfare of animals. And thank you for not contributing to their suffering. Just breaks my heart to see this kind of thing.
big ben
2008-12-01 17:26:56 UTC
climate issues because it effects the wildlife like the polar bears may be extint in a few years and i love wildlife
Tim S
2008-12-01 12:00:32 UTC
I have donated an old car to a child abuse center(rather then sell it)

I believe in alternitive fuels( I have a solar battery charger and dont drive to close places)

Dont have much else to give, but I believe in a lot of the better foundations and charities, and science that saves us money and fuels.
Laying Low- Not an Ivy Leaguer
2008-12-01 10:26:37 UTC
Living in the Southwest US, developing solar power while reducing our dependence on caol-fired power plants is important to me. I have already installed solar panels to run my A/C unit. This reduces my electric bill in the summer to less than 15 dollars( as opposed to over 300 a month). If the US government could only build 100 miles of solar panels on each side of the Mojave desert, we could power the lower 48 states, thus reducing emmisions from coal power plants. The coal miners can be retrained to run the solar plants.
2008-12-01 14:46:54 UTC
Breast Cancer Awareness and relay for life. We walk it every year along with raising funds.
2008-12-01 19:54:31 UTC
Hunger & Poverty. I use SocialVibe.
2008-12-01 11:29:38 UTC
I've supported the Disabled American Vets since I was 16 years old.
2008-12-01 20:38:20 UTC
the invisible children in africa

these poor children are kidnapped and forced to kill
2008-12-01 17:35:04 UTC
Legalize sports gambling and online poker, etc. All the money is going overseas and back to the underworld. Also legalize prostitution and drugs to stop crime and health risks.
BlackJack 21
2008-12-01 14:58:11 UTC
If you want to know some causes to support, go to

to know about Al Gore's challenge to repower America

I also donated to habitat for humanity through Willow Creek Community Church.
dfgfsgdds man
2008-12-01 14:37:14 UTC
Alternative fuel recources. All that climate change stuff is crap. I can't really do anything to support them because i am not scientist. lol. But I hope we find something.
Nurse Susan
2008-12-01 10:49:45 UTC
My friends and I set up to collect money and donate our services to dig wells for clean water [ mostly third world countries ].

My husband set up to clean up and preserve the watershed in our area. He spends most weekends cleaning up other people's trash that go into our storm drains.

Shame on them!

I also volunteer at:

American Red Cross blood drives

my local church

our high school

Walks for Breast Cancer

My husband also works with:

Trout Unlimited [ national clean water organization ]

Feed the Children

Lions Club

Our home/family uses mostly non-polluting, effeicient energy products and practices [ stuff sneaks in when you have kids! ]


Use it up;

wear it out;

make it do, or

do without! [ from WWII! ]



Re- cycle!
2008-12-01 21:11:48 UTC
Climate change is at the bottom of the list my cause is anything Anti-Communist
2008-12-01 20:24:14 UTC
Climate change, animal rights, children's right, human rights and freedom!
2008-12-01 16:20:24 UTC
Suicide prevention.

Started up this small pet project this year, the profits will be donated to hotlines and/or organizations.

I donate to that around the holidays in memory of a loved one. (I also give to Make a Wish around his birthday because it's a charity he liked himself.)
2008-12-01 13:29:40 UTC

ways i help:

Donate to PETA

Be a Vegetarian

Spread the word that animals a really nice and need to be treated nicley

adopt pets I have 3 dogs and 7 cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-12-01 13:15:24 UTC
i live in the woods and i dont ever burn fires or wear clothes because that destroys the environment. and i dont have, nor will i ever have children because humans destroy the environment. and i hate my parents for having me, they must have been greedy industrialists instead of environmentalists or else they wouldnt have had children. also, i am using a computer at a library and this will be the last time i ever use one. this is my final input on the subject. one of my city friends came to the woods and told me of your question so i had to answer it because i am intensely knowledgeable on the subject. goodbye, i am off to the woods to live a green life. you greedy people sicken me because you love to destroy the environment!
2008-12-01 17:56:58 UTC
i also support animal rights.I have a dog and he can keep every secret.Hes like my best friend forever and i would like to help out his kind =D
2008-12-01 13:17:56 UTC
environment and red cross and child causes
Chloe & Flake
2008-12-01 10:35:30 UTC
Puppy Mills, Local Shelters are the biggest for me.

A lot of people treat animals (especially little dogs from the fancy puppy stores) like an item, a toy, an accessory. Most of them don't realize that those puppies come from "puppy mills"...a place where dogs are caged for life, bred over and over again till their insides fall out. The dogs in puppy mills can't even walk, they receive no medical attention whatsoever and are often hurt physically (I don't want to be too graphic) so they don't bark. Their cages are so small they can't even turn around. When they're too old to breed, they're thrown out or sold to laboratories.

Their little puppies are taken to the fancy puppy stores and shown as beautiful clean, happy little toys. People buy them not realizing that the dogs (and cats, and other pets in that store) come from a horrid place, where their mothers are confined in cages all their life, sleeping in extraments, not even able to walk...and that way the customers support that cruel business, support people who own the puppy mills! How sad is that.

Why not give a home to an animal that is already on this world, waiting in a shelter? Why do we have to breed new puppies if there's so many homeless animals?

Some people want fancy pure-blood breeds...(I'll never know why, but...) shelters are filled with pure-breeds! But they aren't displayed as prettily as the store puppies. You don't believe that you can find a wonderful dog in a shelter? At least go and check it's filled with the store puppies that were disposed by some "Paris-hilton-wannabe" when she got bored of taking care of it.

My kitties were naturally born from a stray cat and would die in the desert if I wouldn't adopt them. They're the best, the funniest and smartest cats I've ever seen. They absolutely love people and will beg for love and attention which always makes us and our friends laugh. They're the best proof and example that it really doesn't matter where the animal comes from- they're all capable of love and giving affection! So why not give home to the ones that are already in this world, needing a family? Why pay money, why support cruelty???

Check out these websites to learn more!
Rick A
2008-12-01 15:37:46 UTC
To the post above about abortion. I am sorry, but an embryotic sac filled with fluid and a zygote the size of my thumb is NOT a baby, LOL!

I support animal rights. = I try and fight against animal cruelty, manafactured meat, (YUCK!) circuses, (ETC)

Equal rights (GBLT rights)

And a lot of other stuff
skiddly dee
2008-12-01 14:13:00 UTC
Gay rights, absolutely. Especially with regard to how gay youth are often victims of hate crimes, and not understood by their own parents.
2008-12-01 13:19:06 UTC
global warming is most important to me and i dont polute like other people do i recycle and reuse whatever i may use dont really put the heater on i use a woodstove
2008-12-01 16:43:19 UTC
hello there,

im becky and i would like to say that dont worry about what causes are more important than you. Just live life to the fullest and dont ask to many questions. i love life right now just live it to the fullest you never no what youll get.
2008-12-01 15:46:12 UTC
Medical marijuana.

Spread the word of the good aspects, everyone already knows the few "bad" sides of it.
2008-12-01 13:14:52 UTC
Limiting government growth. I actively support organizations that promote down sizing of government at all levels.
2008-12-01 11:22:53 UTC
Hands down, Cystic Fibrosis is my biggest cause-- my fiance has CF, and I literally cannot wait for a cure-- we need one now.
2008-12-01 11:03:38 UTC

This is the Children's Tumor Foundation and it the leading organizaiton to end Neurofibromatosis, which is the largest neurological disease that exists. Please give generously, we are searching for a cure!
2008-12-01 17:14:59 UTC
By far the most problematic issue in this world is the horrendous and barbaric trade of animal suffering.

There are several simple ways you can literally save the world. The first one is to go vegetarian or vegan. Not only would you be saving thousands of animals from a lifetime of pain, suffering and abuse, but you would be also saving your health, stopping global warming, helping the environment, and saving the starving kids in Africa? Sound a bit far fetched? Well it isn't.

Humans are not supposed to eat meat. We have pathetically puny canines, molars for grinding up plant matter, fingers and nails for grasping fruit and vegetables, a typical "flight" response, and our intestines are designed for plant food. Whereas a carnivore has short intestines so the meat can quickly pass through, herbivores (like humans) have long intestines so that we can digest more nutrients from the plants we eat. If a herbivore (like humans) with such long intestines eats meat, the meat begins rotting halfway through, causing colon and bowel cancer. Meat consumption has also been directly linked to heart disease, stomach, breast and prostrate cancer, strokes, alzheimer's, impotence, obesity and the majority of food poisonings come from meat. Vegetarians live on average eight to ten years longer than people who eat meat. Dairy products have also been linked to diabetes.

Raising animals for their flesh, milk, eggs, fur, wool or other bodily functions creates more carbon emissions than all the trucks, cars, boats, planes and trains on Earth put together! By simply going vegetarian or vegan, you are basically halving the carbon emissions you produce. You cannot be an environmentalist and still eat meat.

We have all heard of the plight of the "starving kids in Africa". On the TV, ads constantly pop up asking you to donate 50c a day to a child in Africa so he can have a meal. But if you really want to help them, going vegetarian can give five children a meal a day, and you won't have to spend a single cent. More than half of all produce grown goes to feeding animals raised for their flesh or products. For every 16 pounds of grain there is 1 pound of meat. It has been estimated that if everyone in the United States alone simply stopped eating cows, the planet would be producing enough food to feed 8 billion people!

For more information go to

Another way you can help the animals, your health and the environment is to stop wearing silk, wool, fur, leather, skins, not purchase anything with real hair or feathers (look at your makeup brushes and featherdusters) and stop buying pillows with real down inside. Mentioned above are the reasons it is destroying the environment and depriving needy people of food. It is also bad for your health. Did you know that leather must go through extensive "treatment"? The skin that is ripped off the cow (with the cow alive, mind you) is just that, skin. So much is done to the skin to turn it into shiny leather, and so many pollutants are poured into the air, that people 20 miles away from a tanning station become seriously ill and some even develop asthma or lung problems.

For more information go to and

Another fairly simple and easy way to demote animal torture is not to buy products that have been tested on animals. Of course, there is still the problem of animals being used for "cancer research" and whatnot, but at least your helping to save animals from pointless, repetitive product testing that leave the animals screaming in never-ending pain.

Go to for information on how to buy friendly products and there is also a list of companies that do and that do not test on animals. For more information on animal testing go to

You should also never go a circus that has animals in their acts, as these animals suffer horrendously from whipping, tasers, bullhooks, starvation, heatstroke and more. Zoos are also animal torture chambers, with animals suffering from boredom and loneliness and being denied all that is natural to them.

For more information go to and

You can also choose human alternatives to domestic problems, such as "pest" control and pet overpopulation.

For more informatino, go to
Soon to be Married!
2008-12-01 11:59:15 UTC
Many causes are important to me! Thanks for taking an interest in people's causes!

Helping small businesses in this country is one..

The returning of land to their proper owners in Mexico is one of them..

Equality for all is the most important one!
2008-12-01 17:24:16 UTC
Global Warming, so I start recycling everything I can from paper to cans. Also, I take my old electronic devices to plants now. :D
2008-12-01 16:47:03 UTC
Lady Louisa
2008-12-01 12:45:10 UTC

I teach Sunday school and am always kind and patient with them.
Keyser SoSo
2008-12-01 12:36:37 UTC
Social equality, economic equality

helping the poor in poor countries

I am going to be the CFO of an NGO.

right now I am filing nonprofit paperwork for a homeless feed group.

people with similar purposes, please add me as a contact.
2008-12-01 22:00:38 UTC
Children..........they will rule ,so let them be safe!
2008-12-01 18:14:33 UTC
save the whales/ our ocean
2008-12-01 14:56:38 UTC
I hate idiots and try to make fun of them as much as possible.
2008-12-01 10:57:19 UTC
Animal Rescue is important to me, I donate regularly.
2008-12-01 17:23:36 UTC
Breast cancer research. Buying pink bows, and anything that Avons sells that goes into breast cancer research.
2008-12-01 14:59:37 UTC
None financial all in prayer.
(Closed Account)
2008-12-01 16:00:13 UTC
Animals. I LOVE ANIMALS! Volunteering at pet shops helps..
2008-12-01 15:29:00 UTC
I strongly support hunting and 2nd amendment rights. I support these by of course hunting and owning guns, but also by belonging to the NRA, NAHC, and NWTF.
2008-12-01 12:27:12 UTC
Gay rights, religious equality, physical/sexual abuse prevention, and supporting animals in need are all important causes in my book... in that order. I am also very passionate about preventing drunk driving.

I find it sickening that we don't afford gays the same rights as any other human being, and to me it is no less severe than discrimination against African-Americans in early (and current) American history. I believe in equality and there is no right more valuable than that to love and be loved. I am hoping to participate in protests and rallies in the near future.

Religious equality is one of the founding principles of our nation, yet not many people seem to take it seriously. If the government favors one religion over another in its funding, speech, and actions, it is discriminating against a large population of its people. I have joined the Secular Coalition for America and am looking forward to continue supporting their efforts in promoting religious equality.

As a victim of abuse as a child, prevention of (and counseling/help for) physical/sexual abuse is a very important issue to me. I donate to a number of organizations that provide counseling and financial assistance to victims of abuse and their abusers. I also speak with many victims of abuse to encourage them to get help, as well as the abusers. I will not hesitate to call the police or social services if I know someone is being abused... which is something I think a lot of people would not do because they downplay the situation.

I am also an advocate for animals in need. I think having a furry friend can enrich anyone's life, and ameliorate many of the emotional problems a person may have. We can't even begin to imagine all that animals do for us, and it's only fitting that we ensure their time on this earth is spent in a loving and caring environment. I volunteer at the local SPCA, spay and neuter all my pets, and have taken a number of less fortunate animals into my home. All of my pets have been rescued, and I love them very much!

My father was an alcoholic, and far too many times as a child, I remember being in the car with him while he was drunk or even drinking. Those were frightening experiences, and they made me realize very early on in life that drunk driving is an extremely serious occurrence. I go to a lot of parties, but am always sober to ensure that others don't drive drunk or harm themselves. I always make my guests stay the night at my home if they've been drinking. I have also signed MADD's Pledge to Eliminate Drunk Driving. Unfortunately I do not believe in all of MADD's policies (I believe if you are old enough to fight for this country, you are old enough to drink), so I do not donate to the organization.
2008-12-01 12:22:25 UTC
As an American .. and as a Military Veteran/Retiree ... (as well as the survivor of a short disaster of a Marriage to an abusive, violent sociopath of an ex) ...

There are several causes that are very IMPORTANT to me .. amongst which are those related to the Military Service AND Veterans' issues.

What upsets me most is all the bias against those of us who have VOLUNTEERED to do what most everyone else will not -- which is to SERVE our country honorably. I can personally attest to the horror of proudly and honorably serving my country in Uniform -- only to be degraded, called nasty names, spit upon, shoved, and told to "GET OUT" (which is the polite way of putting it) ... all in MY OWN COUNTRY!

IT is especially sickening how little people (Who have NEVER served) know about the legal aspects of serving -- what are our roles/responsibilities, what are the limits of what we can do -- our Code of Conduct (and our punishment processes) as well as our ETHICS/ Morals ... (and believe me .. we DO have the Ethics/Morals that those who have been elected to sit in Congress and other public offices .. as well as the Press .. LACK).

I am also upset how little anyone cares for the Military Servicemember after their service as well ... for let me say this ...

Billary Clinton -- who has basically not done much other than to show up, be sworn in and campaign the rest of the VERY SHORT time away that she has held office -- well ... SHE will be getting a HEFTY Pension (for NOT doing the job) --- PLUS on top of that the offices that she is being appointed to ... and the additional services as well .. (as well as Obama -- he is going to be getting a hefty Senate Pension yet all he did was campaign too ... (and I was born/raised in Chicago area -- so I know how LITTLE he understands or did for the region).)

YET .. those who serve a career honorably -- are injured/disabled as a result of that service have their ENTIRE Military Pension taken away from them ... and that is STILL The issue at this time!

Let's go forward from there -- VOTING huge raises all the time (for those sitting in Congress -- they do NOT give it any thought) -- yet people programs for those serving, their salaries, the end strength (the number of people serving) are ALL First cut in the glee of seeing those sitting in these political positions to gain GREATER wealth than they already have!

WHY Can't there be emphasis on the people programs -- why can't there be equity on the Servicemembers -- so that they have their FULL Military Retirement restored (instead of having those funds diverted to members of Congress's own pockets)?

I also support programs for wounded warriors, for those serving on long deployments -- and for those (like myself) - who were single, a long, long ways from home -- ALONE and no one caring at all about them.

NEXT -- I do support Domestic Violence Shelters .. as well as private (outside of the Social Services public structure) services for those who are VICTIMS of the abuse. The public Family Services is definitely NOT WORKING today -- there are too many problems (amongst which is that they concentrate on tormenting Responsible parents and just do NOTHING against the Abuser or to stop abuse). I am sickened (from having to live with the results) of the "family Services" unit which basically PROTECTED and ensured the Civil rights of MY family's abuser (the ex -- and he was convicted of abusing the children) ... yet in EVERY instance of working to have him prosecuted .. these self-serving, lazy, biased sociopaths (and yes, I even had to deal with those who were supposed to be Service Providers, but had previous records of Mental Health Issues as well as criminal records!) ... who think it is their place to INTIMIDATE and THREATEN The SURVIVORS ... and that is also the truth.

We need to completely tear down all the existing structures, and rebuild the training process -- as well as have an OVERSIGHT board (totally outside of the Replacement service) .. to OVERLOOK and provide the COMMON SENSE approach to what the social worker is doing (and for a REAL investigatory process to occur against Criminal, Threatening abuse-of-power social workers (working their own agenda) ... so that PEOPLE who are VICTIMS of the Social Workers CAN be free to not only complain .. but to also see these bad Social Workers REMOVED and to never have their licenses restored again.

THESE are the top causes I support .. more than anything else. I know what it is like to walk away from Domestic Violence ... as well as know the abuse/disrespect against those who serve honorably.

THINGS need to change -- and that starts with the laws and those sitting in the congressional seats (Which is where we get the Laws anyways through the Authorization and Appropriations Process).
2008-12-01 11:35:48 UTC
Anything that want's to protect our Bill of Rights, and especially anything that wants to protect rights beyond that. Our laws should protect us. I'm very much for the decriminalization of marijuana.
2008-12-01 11:13:42 UTC
The Truth

Communicating and sharing.

I am asking thought provoking questions and challenging conventional thinking through logical conclusions of the information that is available, if one cares too look.

"The Truth is Out there"
2008-12-01 17:30:11 UTC
Gay Marriage: I would like to get married.

Eliminating Job Outsourcing: We need to stop giving away all of our jobs to overseas countries, and build factories over here.

Climate Control.
Mark M
2008-12-01 13:40:37 UTC
The NRA they help protect people like me from liberal idiots and terror organizations like peta and defend our constitution from the likes of obama, pelosi, and the other leftist democrats
2008-12-01 10:25:42 UTC
I support kids and families in need. I have volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, and Big Brothers and Big Sisters. We have chosen an angel from the Angel Tree, and best of all, we adopted a 5 yr old from CPS. We have plans to adopt from CPS again next year!
2008-12-01 13:08:13 UTC
Issues with the environment,gay rights,advocating for gay youth,HIV/Aids outreach,volunteering at homeless shelters,

energy efficiency,plus a good deal more.
2008-12-01 11:41:35 UTC
The rights of the unborn. I support pregnancy crisis centers that do not offer abortions.
2008-12-01 11:22:15 UTC
~Human rights to health and freedom.

~Alternitive energy.

~Animal rights.

I support all the little farmers and supplement industry.

I would love to turn over to solar energy, but unfortuantly its too expensive at the moment. But it is a dream of mine.

I am a vegetarian and do not buy any products tested on animals.
Ken H
2008-12-01 11:14:14 UTC
feeding the hungry. I support money and food to my local food bank
2008-12-01 10:44:54 UTC
education. Support the system, work with my teachers, encourage my class mates, and plan too teach myself one day
2008-12-01 11:55:42 UTC
to see antoll ma as world governor.

I' m going to theopolis on June the 6th to support and oofer any service I could to him
2008-12-01 15:22:15 UTC
I Support the Legalization of Marijuana, for too long as it been suppressed.
Tom Z
2008-12-01 15:05:04 UTC
These are general concepts, not specific programs.




Steffie W
2008-12-01 10:27:07 UTC
Human Rights. My support is more locally with Human Rights organizations an through some organizations through the Inet. I do believe in the same Human Rights for everybody and do not discriminate nor do I buy into stereotypes. I have to honestly say that there are times when I fell that "freedom of speech should be modified when it comes to hate rhetoric
2008-12-01 21:33:47 UTC
2008-12-01 12:55:27 UTC
pro life, pro second ammendment, pro privacy, low taxes, pro christian.

i tend to vote or support people and laws that observe them also....
2008-12-01 20:42:49 UTC
stop dogfighting-facebook
2008-12-01 18:55:27 UTC
right to own a gun, i will purchase more.
2008-12-01 17:35:55 UTC
people placing the environment and animals above people
nature hugger
2008-12-01 17:08:42 UTC
environment, animals, nature
2008-12-01 15:45:13 UTC

why would you kill an innocent little baby, who has no idea what is going on?

can't you just give birth to it, and they give it to a couple who really wants a child?
2008-12-01 12:32:11 UTC
Two words: Climate change.
2008-12-01 10:26:36 UTC
I support the local no kill animal shelter and the american cancer society, I love animals and hate to even think of them being abused or mistreated and/or without a home, so I make contributions to them throughout the year. Rather than gifts as a Christmas present to our "family dogs," I will make a contribution to the shelter in their name (from my dog of course!).

I also suport the american cancer society because my mother in law also died last year of colon cancer. Also, I am an oncology nurse and am touched every day by people with cancer, many of my closest patients have passed on. So, to remember them all, I donate.
2008-12-01 13:20:14 UTC
Recycling. I recycle.
2008-12-01 11:15:35 UTC
Animal rights.
2008-12-01 10:05:17 UTC
People down on their luck. I work with the homeless so I will bring in socks, jackets, buy milk, juice or whatever. I also love animals and take in a few now and again. I'm at my limit of 4 cats and a dog. I also like to donate to the local food bank and Feed the Children fund. I like to buy gifts for children at Christmas.
Richard H
2008-12-01 09:39:58 UTC
I support an organization called the Hydrocephalus Association ( ). I personally have the condition hydrocephalus, so the organization is very near and dear to my heart. I send in an annual contribution and sometimes do volunteer hours for them.
2008-12-01 14:43:07 UTC
me and getting better
2008-12-01 12:35:54 UTC
I support the ACLU, PETA and other animal rights organizations
2008-12-01 11:54:33 UTC



-health insurance
2008-12-01 10:14:14 UTC
Toys for Tots. My Marine Corps League Detachment is the T4T coordinator for 2 counties in our state. We actually start about late Feb and start in ernest around July. This year, our 2 largely rural counties have more than 1500 needy kids on our list. Wish we had enough for them all.

We also hold events throughout the year at our local VA hospital for the veterans who are there. They range from WWII vets to those from today's conflicts.
2008-12-01 13:01:31 UTC
2008-12-01 11:50:19 UTC
The # 1 cause to me is helping people find Jesus. Your Soul is the most important than all things. I am active in trying to reach souls. I will be going to Africa on Missions to help bring souls to Christ. I do my best in other things too. Knowing that this planet is the creation of God and He would want us to keep it clean.
2008-12-01 10:15:41 UTC
World hunger is very important to me. I know I can never solve it, but I can do little things to help. I donate to food drives in my area and everyday I make sure I visit which donates rice to countries who are in need every time you match a correct word to the definition (it's free and fun and for a good cause)!
2008-12-01 10:15:12 UTC
I help with or have helped these organizations or causes

Habitat for Humanity

Invisible Children

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Red Cross

Make a wish Foundation

St. Jude's Hospital

Save the music

I am not all for socialized medicine, but I do think the insurance market is ridiculous, people need help getting basic care.
2008-12-01 09:42:54 UTC
Anything that helps struggling families. Habitat For Humanity, I've worked on houses and made snacks for the workers. Head Start, what ever they need me to do. I help out in my children's' school.
2008-12-01 17:32:03 UTC
Fight female obesity.

Take away their donuts.
2008-12-01 16:40:15 UTC
2008-12-01 13:23:30 UTC
weed and i smoke it to support it
2008-12-01 10:36:06 UTC
Global warming is a hoax. The U.N. even lied about it. The biggest problems we are facing right now are overpopulation and the loss of our freedom.
2008-12-01 10:00:35 UTC
I believe it's the little things that count. Recycling cans and bottles, using reusable shopping bags, cutting the plastic connectors that hold soda cans together, and generally supporting natural and organic products. Stop and Shop has a great line of organic products that don't cost a lot. I live in an area where we don't have fresh, local produce in the winter, but in the summer, I go straight to it. I like the idea of supporting ones local economy by buying local produce when possible. I also like the idea of natural and organic foods. In my family, we have some allergies to food dye and preservatives, so we get a lot of natural and organic products because they don't have these additives. I wish they would ban these potentially harmful products.
2008-12-01 15:01:40 UTC
smokin cigs
2008-12-01 11:35:17 UTC
I don't give a crap about the world, I just want to watch it burn.
Keep it Green
2008-12-01 10:28:20 UTC
Breast cancer cure.


2008-12-01 10:21:45 UTC
Keeping my children healthy. When they are sick, I take them to the doctor, when the doctor doesn't know what's wrong with my children, I ask for the best doctor in whatever specialty that they need.
2008-12-01 10:08:33 UTC
My primary cause is research for juvenile diabetes treatments, because my brother has Type I diabetes. As a result, I also strongly support stem cell research.
2008-12-01 10:03:16 UTC
My cause of choice is the American Cancer Societies Relay for Life.

It's a huge deal for our entire family. I am the chair of team development for the event, and we raise A LOT of money all year round.

It's very near and dear to my heart♥
2008-12-01 10:18:51 UTC
im anti-abortion. People have the right not to see their tax dollars go to something they find immoral, there are many couples who spend years on waiting lists trying to adopt a child,abortion is a form of murder and demeans the value of human life.

I'm 14 so theres not much that I can do except tell other people about it.

im hoping to become involved SOMEHOW when i'm 18. legal age and all that....

of course with our president-elect who knows what hell will happen.

Make a wish foundation is also an amazing organization.
2008-12-01 10:15:11 UTC
save animals from euthanasia at shelters. i tell everyone i know about the overpopulation of pets and strays and how they end up at the pound and get killed. i encourage them to spay/neuter their pets and trap ferals and strays and get them fixed (t-n-r: trap-neuter-release). i donate supplies to the pound and other shelters and play with the cats and dogs to ease their anxiety so they'll be more friendly when potential adopters visit. i have t-n-r over a dozen strays and abandoned cats.
2008-12-01 10:13:02 UTC
To be honest HIV/AIDS I talk to people about it

one of my brothers said we all as people should practice absence with are you know what i agree how many of you agree?
2008-12-01 10:05:01 UTC
Animal rights and the environment. I recycle and contribute to animal causes.
2008-12-01 10:01:26 UTC
The outsourcing of jobs overseas

Global warming would be if I had any input on it.

The planet will warm with or without cars and may only be faster by humans but it will happen. That is what the science reflects.

The real issue with the planet is not cars it all comes down to over population...funny that is never mentioned. Less people less use of the natural resources. Makes me think global warming is more political than science.
2008-12-01 09:52:35 UTC
I am confused about this: It is against the law to kill endangered animals. And state flowers and such things.. But it is ok if we kill unborn babys.. Hello I do not get this. This Is very Confusing to Me that flowers and animals have protection and Babys do Not.?????????????????????????????
Lorraine K
2008-12-01 09:51:18 UTC
I support environmental and animal rights causes. I used to pump tons of money (over $2,000 a year) into these, but the more I gave, the more they wanted. I receive 5 or 6 solicitations a day, and every response brings a letter asking for more. Finally I stopped. Now I give the same amount to local animal groups and contribute what I can in the way of supplies as well. I recycle and do lots locally for the environment of course. But the practice of constant begging, and worse, selling my name to other charities, made me quit sending money to the big guys.
2008-12-01 09:44:50 UTC
I am very much against using nuclear power to solve a problem of one pollutant, CO2, by creating large amounts of another, radioactive waste. Only do things that make us more sustainable in the future, not less.
2008-12-01 03:13:21 UTC
Hey Tom's of Maine,

I support climate change and homeless families or stuggling families! I buy products that most of the money made goes to the cause. I volunteer! During the holidays I make care packages and deliver food to these people!

Hope I helped!!!


PS I'm a Mainer myself and I use your products! Keep up the good work!
2008-12-01 17:15:31 UTC
Girl Who Knows
2008-12-01 13:29:25 UTC
I dunno go to or get a life!!!!!!!!!!
2008-12-01 10:10:07 UTC
Right now, it's basic civil rights for Gays.

The environment is very important as well, but it doesn't make me as angry as watching our gay friends discriminated against.
2008-12-01 10:07:39 UTC
My highest priority in life is justice, because without justice there is no freedom and no peace. I can pursue justice in all I say and do.

My second highest priority is global warming, because I can take personal responsibility for my own contribution to the problem.

My third highest priority is population control, because overpopulation is at the root of most of the suffering on our planet, as well as the degradation of our environment and the depletion of our resources.
Just Me
2008-12-01 10:05:19 UTC
Just seeing the advertisement saying to support alternative energy is a big joke. Any alternative (Green energy) costs more then the energy I pay for now. Some of us do NOT have the money to waste on so called green or alternative energy. I do NOT & never ever got or get those tax breaks like other people do, so don't expect me to be able to afford so called green or alternative energy.
2008-12-01 09:50:26 UTC
Uh, dur, Tom's, I cares about the enviornment and I done bought yer products to proves it.

Corse - I can't afford to buy anything other than yer deordorant - so I jest slather its all around.
zoey noel
2008-12-01 09:40:22 UTC
Animal Rights....I like animals more than people.
2008-12-01 03:36:32 UTC
The principle causes that concern me are poverty in the developing world, human and animal suffering, protection of the environment and loss of biodiversity.

Understanding these causes and expressing my views on them is a treasured freedom, and an essential part, of citizenship in a democracy.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a crucial, international framework for tackling poverty and I support them wholeheartedly, writing to my representatives in government at the appropriate times to urge them to deliver their commitments to the world's poorest people.

Buying Fair Trade products is a simple way of avoiding exploitation of farmers and other workers in the developing world and the explosive growth of Fairtrade markets in recent years demonstrates the power of consumer choice. I choose Fairtrade options whenever I can, including bananas, chocolate, cotton, flowers, sugar, tea, coffee and wine.

I don't eat meat, for many reasons. The most pertinent is that reducing or stopping consumption of meat and dairy products will help to protect the environment from the devastating impacts of animal husbandry, which is one of the primary causes of tropical deforestation and is the single biggest source of manmade greenhouse gas emissions. Choosing free range eggs also helps to avoid unnecessary suffering.

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) promotes sustainable use of our woodlands and certifies all manner of forest products that are produced in a sustainable manner. This is a great way to protect the rich biodiversity and the indigenous peoples living in the world's remaining pristine forests. FSC-certified products include printer paper, notepads, toilet rolls, furniture, mops and brooms, even whisky!

The most pressing cause for humanity today is the warming of our planet, directly caused by manmade emissions of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, agriculture and a wide range of other industrial activities. The individual actions we can all take to minimise our personal carbon footprints will, collectively, make a small difference to mitigating climate change. More importantly, they serve to raise our awareness of this critical issue.

To prevent dangerous climate change will require unprecendented, co-ordinated effort and investment by industry and governments worldwide, both to decarbonise our economies and also to strip CO2 from the atmosphere. The 'Climate Safety' report, published last week by the Public Interest Research Centre (PIRC), makes clear that the impacts of global warming are proceeding much faster than previously recognised and evaluates all the options we have to tackle the greatest threat to humanity and all living species .

I frequently lobby my government representatives to commit to lead efforts to reduce GHG emissions, both domestically and worldwide. I work continuously to minimise my own carbon footprint and communicate the need for sustainable living to as many others as possible, within my community and on the web.

Beyond the actions and choices I have described, I give what I can to the NGOs that are working to address these issues around the world, such as ActionAid, Crisis, Oxfam, WLT, WWF, WSPA and the Brooke Hospital.
2008-12-01 01:26:17 UTC
Climate change would have to be one of the most important one for me, I always cycle everywhere!

Also animal rights, I hate testing on animals I also hate when companies use animal by-pass products. I am vegetarian for animal rights - I boycott companies that test on animals, such as Procter & Gamble.

Human rights as well, I buy Christmas cards that support people in 3rd world countries.

P.S. I love your natural deodorant.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.