If you start with 100 at 100.00%
First step is only 35% of 100 leaves 35
25% of 35 is 8.75%
36% of 8.75 = 3.15%
Or 0.36x0.25x0.36 = 3.15%
That is a real low efficiency rate.
Double check that those are not the inefficiencies
In which case it would be (1.00-0.35)(1.00-0.25)1.00-0.36)
= (0.65)(0.75)(0.66)= 32.175%
The first part of my answer resulting in 3.15% was to affirm the validity of the first answerer. (Note: Thumbs Up also given)
The second part of my answer resulting in 32.175% was in error.
Late night arithmetic mistake, the last factor should have been 0.64 not 0.66.
The corrected result is (0.65)(0.75)(0.64) = 31.20%
I know that people may not always ask a question in a manner that receives the results they seek. (Especially true with word problems in math)
To this I offered this second answer and suggested the checking of the wording of source of the askers question in hopes that it may help the asker.
To elaborate on that help to the asker:
Efficiency = (0.35)(0.25)(0.36) = 3.15%
Inefficiency = (0.65)(0.75)(0.64) = 31.20%
Your result of 24% appears to be a keying error with efficiency by dividing the last entry instead of multiplying by it.
Your result could have been arrived at by (0.35)(0.25) / (0.36) = 24.31%