how is solar energy better for the envirnment?
2007-05-11 07:54:21 UTC
please add as manydetails as you can, this is for a science project.....thanks
Eight answers:
2007-05-11 08:08:14 UTC
1. Free source.

2. Unlimited quantity available.

3. No environmental pollution.
2007-05-13 00:34:58 UTC
Even though solar panels are HORRIBLY costly, they are pretty much the safest, most eco-friendly form of energy. They are maintainance-free, have no moving parts (there for no noise pollution) and emit no air pollutants. As opposed to wind energy, turbines can be very loud and dangerous to birds and can be damaged or break. Solar panels came out about 30 years ago, and these original panels are still in use today. Solar panels are also low-profile, so they won't stand out and be an environmental eyesore.

I just did a project for my physics class and I had to promote solar energy. I used a lot of websites but don't know which ones. Try this one out though:
2007-05-11 08:10:38 UTC
Oh, someone's not doing his homework the right way.

Either way using Solar Energy, assuming of course that the whole world has access to it, with the panels and all would mean less pollution since fossil fuel use would be reduced. No more combustion and all that.

Also, barring the panels, the energy is relatively cheap and available.
2007-05-11 08:05:25 UTC
It isn't particularly better, or worse for the environment. While solar energy does reduce the use of fossil fuels, which in turn, reduces both the depletion of those fuels and air pollution, the manufacture of solar panels does require a lot of energy that is usually derived from fossil fuels.
c m
2007-05-11 08:28:42 UTC
Solar doesn't emit CO2, murcury or other polutants like sulfer dioxide to produce electricity it just uses the photons from the sun to displace the electrons in the semiconductive solar material.

Other ways of producing electricity does produce these nasty polutants which produce smog, acid rain and the murcury as you can imagine isn't very good especially when it comes back down in the rain and contaminates the soil and rivers which in turn contaminates our food supply. And with nuclear you end up producing large amounts of highly radioactive material that stays radioactive for thousands of years.

Although producing solar panels takes lots of energy the energy can be produced with renewable energy and giving that soloar panels last around 40yrs you get back more energy than you use to produce them.

Newer solar advances are also coming with much greater efficiency such as the ones used on the mars rovers (check out the nasa website they may have good details) which are multi layer cells which are capable of using more of the light spectrum hence they can produce more power with less cells.

Solar can also be used to produce other fuels like hydrogen by using electrolysis to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen which then can be burned cleanly in cars or other appliences and it can be used in fuel cells.

the main setbacks with solar are the cost which will go down as production increases (see what germany has done) and the space needed for the solar panels but if roof tops are used alot of that space issue is overcome.

There is also solar in the way of solar furnaces which are large mirrors which focus the suns rays on water creating steam to turn a generator turbine and produce electricity nevada is currently installing one of these furnaces close to the las vegas strip to produce clean energy.

You may be able to get some extra credit by having your class go to a click to donate site which uses advertising to give free donations like free solar power with each click. See the following sites they will also have more info about solar and and
2007-05-11 07:58:06 UTC
Better than what? Fossil fuels? Definitely. The problem is, solar panels are very expensive at the moment, mainly because scientists havent been able to boost their efficiency up to our needed levels.
2007-05-13 22:35:10 UTC
The energy is from a free non polluting source. You are not using your electical companies power, which is most likely from buring coal.
2007-05-11 08:25:51 UTC
1. its renewable..everyone has access to it!

2. no GHG emissions, clean source of energy

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