I have a masive computer system setup in my room that is running a liquid cooling system, 6 drives, 3 x 27" monitors, and an array of other power hungry peripherials. These are all powered through three UPS battery backups. Anyway, my roommate is pointing to me for all the power usage in the electric bill to my usage. Now, i am aware that I am using a lot of power but I wondered if there was some sort of device that I can plug into the wall between my system and the powergrid to get actual metrics of my personal Killowatt hours used over a period of time. I am sure something like this exists but just not sure where to start looking. I would like to keep the cost of the device down because if I have to pay $1000 for the device, I might as well pay the extra $300 a month in electric.
Really just want some emperical data so i can pay my fair share of the bills.