It depends. If you are looking to maintain your current rate of electricity consumption, it would be somewhat expensive. Not quite to the degree you indicate, perhaps closer to 40,000 dollars. There are many variables involved.
If you wanted to be "off grid," energy independent, you can do so within reason for not too much money. Depending on how much effort you wanted to put into things, which is based on your own abillities, you can do quite a lot of your own work to achieve "off grid" existence with minimal sacrifice to your current way of life. There is a push for various certifications in an effort to direct people to buying finished products and having someone else install them.
Changing how you use electricity will have as much impact on how much energy you use from the grid as would adding solar panels, if not more. LED technology is the future of most lighting, and they are low voltage devices to start with. They lose some of their inherent efficiency in required powersupplies and other circuit modifications to drop mains house current to the level the devices operate, yet they still exceed CFL's for efficiencies over incandescents when this is done.
You can use many different passive solar designs to heat your house, to heat the water you use, and these too are solar panels and worth considering too, many you can build yourself for modest cost and perhaps have more impact on how much you spend every month for gas and electricity.
A good site to spend time perusing is The fellow lives in Montana so his own projects have been "acid tested."
Also- look beyond the packaging. There are various products out there with a hefty price tag, sometimes justified, but not usually. For example the wholsale sale price to the importer for 7 Amp charge controllers is about 1 to 2 dollars. While he does have overhead and people to pay, you can construct one of your own that can handle 15 Amps or more for about that same amount per unit if you know how to build them. Some liquid to air heat exchangers for passive heat systems that use water or antifreeze are nothing more than school bus heaters. It just takes a little bit of effort to seek out the knowledge.