Yes green urbanization with people producing food in the suburbs is part and parcel of Permaculture
The direction is towards Independence,from the Government ,from technology,from civilization as such
where by Communities ,families or even cities or towns become Autosuficient and sustainable ,utilizing their own by products and take energy efficiency as far as possible.
Bill Mollison wrote a large chapter on Alternative Strategies for a Nation
Australia incorporates many of the concepts on a National level,isolated towns produce their own energy and utilize their
In Vietnam it was widely adopted ,A country that had severe economic problems ,
And government assistance provided the people with seeds tools and knowledge,
So that instead of people traveling long distances to go to work to get money to buy food ,they now stayed at home and farmed ,Health services shrunk ,so did public transport ,and government expenditure.
It take a farsighted Government to be able to accept these principles of Permaculture,because it means relinquishing power
And it is not a concept to be applied in its entirety to commercial agriculture
Although many principle can be applied ,such as mulching,crop rotation,No till farming,water harvesting,maybe even organic pestcontrol
Perrmaculture is an alternative for Comercial Agriculture ,one plants for the family and quality of life ,with diversity and in a compact way,For the family and one trades the exesses with ones neighbours.
So their are never huge quantities of the same produce
If everybody did this if we had green productive suburbs and freeholds on the edges ,so much more food would be in circulation and from much closer
In theory Comercial
horticulture would be almost absolete as far as vegetables was concerned .
If the whole world accepted this way of life ,if we had less poluting manners of transport ,and vegetables could also be grown on city roof tops (at present cabages impregnated with lead is not very desireble)
If the whole world became a Garden culture ,we would be returning to Babylon,(my wet dream)
some relevant links,
please support to have Permaculture as a sub category under environment