Does anybody really care about all this green and economical bullshit?
Stud Quarterback
2007-05-14 08:29:25 UTC
Why do we need hybrids and other ****. I understand the use of things like solar panels but why biodiesel and using french fries to power our cars. Just how stupid are these liberals?
23 answers:
2007-05-14 09:14:23 UTC
Most sane people now agree that global warming was and still is a hoax. The only people still promoting this hoax are people who have something to gain (Al Gore) or those who have just been released from your local mental hospital. If you really care about your children you would use the billions of dollars spent on this nonsense to promote a healthy economy. Living in the late 19th century may sound environmentally friendly without cars but I certainly do not want my children living that way. What good is an environmentally friendly utopia if my kids will not be able to get anyplace to enjoy it and die at 40. To those who believe in this nonsense give me a car (at least as good as the one I currently own) for free which does not pollute or use fossil fuels and I will use it. Otherwise you are a hypocrite and should keep your uneducated opinions to yourself.
I am Legend
2007-05-14 09:39:18 UTC
The short and simple of this is no matter what the oil industries and other industries that stand to lose out on billions with change, the global enviroment is changing. The Day After Tomorrow should have really woken you up to the reality of what happens when people think they are smarter then nature. It is not just about economics, however simply using a solar system on your home, not only lowers your bills and uses clean renewable engery, it also stimulizes change within the way we look at things. Gradually, but slowly, these methods of keeping our current social and cultural aspects in our life are shifting over to a better method of powering them. It is only smart, if not prudent that we turn our focus towards producing things that are clean and friendly to our enviroment. I am sure even though you resort to using vulgarity to express your points of views, that you clean you house not out of pleasing someone else, but out of good hygeiene as well. Do you not also take a shower? If you don't really care about global health, then why care about your own? If you do not care about the enviroment and the air we breath, the water we drink, and the food we eat, you might just as well not bother to go see a doctor when you are sick. The planet is sick right now, and to ignore that is to only seal all of our fates as well as our future generations. We no longer can afford to look at our wallets in this matter. Ignorance to the enviroment based on economics is outdated.
2007-05-14 08:34:01 UTC
Its what a good percentage of the population wants to hear right now.

BTW Biodiesel is not the cleanest, nor is ethanol. Check out the yahoo home page today for the hybrids column. The pure eletric hybrids are scorings 70s on the "green" factor while ethanols are in the 50 and biodeisels are in the.....10s
2007-05-14 09:20:33 UTC
It isn't stupid to want to reduce carbon emissions. Solar panels are a good way to reduce dependency on energy sources such as coal and oil, but cars use a lot more energy as a whole. If you think about it, most households in the US own at least two cars. Even if one is skeptical about buying a hybrid, just by buying a newer car or maintaining your current car to its peak of performance can reduce your carbon impact. Also, being green shouldn't be associated with just liberals. If anything, being more eco-friendly would be more Republican, as it will reduce the costs of maintaining things in the long-run.
teacher groovyGRANNY
2007-05-14 08:40:25 UTC
This Australian farmer, about 20 yrs ago, decided to environmentalise his farm.

He planted trees, sheep rested under the trees, their wool grew better and therefore more valuable.

He planted local plants, water was reclaimed in the roots of the plants and when other farmers had to buy water he did not.

He stopped caged hens and now sells his barn laid eggs for much more.

A hybrid car will with care need a VERY small amount of petrol and therfore eventually save YOU money.

Humans have only used oil for 150 yrs and we have used up over half of it. It will run out.

We've grown wheat and other things for 1,000s of years and such things can be made into fuels.Have you ever seen sun-flowers grow, they nee NO ATTENTION and can be made into sun-flower oil to run vehicles

Humans managed quite well, rich and poor, happy and sad with-out modern stuff. YOU can actually make money and happiness out of helping environment.
2007-05-14 09:35:49 UTC
I do. And why exactly is it stupid to do things like re-use WASTE to operate a car in a cleaner and CHEAPER manor? If you'd pass up a FREE fuel source for you car, perhaps you should watch who you call stupid. And if you can't see how taking millions of tons of pollution out of the air every year by operating cleaner and more fuel efficient vehicles is a GOOD thing, whether you believe in Global Warming or not, perhaps I'm stupid for not having ignored your question just like everyone else did.
Cool Dude
2007-05-14 09:03:12 UTC
These things are being used as they are the only things that are economical and ready to be implemented into the car industry.Other things like solar,electric technologies are not that developed that we can use them efficiently and also they need a lot of investment right now which the government is not ready to bio-diesel is the greener alternatives to gasoline. SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING.
2007-05-14 08:38:46 UTC
Why do we need fish or chicken when we have beef. Why do we need Panasonic or Toshiba when we have Sony? Why have Toyota, Honda, or Ford if we have GM? Diversity. One should not put all their eggs in one basket for anything. Diversifying energy options simply allows alternatives. What if today, the US was refused oil from the Middle East. Our fuel reserves aren't big enough to sustain our country for very long. It is important to maintain good global relations, while striving to become more self sustaining.
2007-05-14 12:44:01 UTC
I care about this "b*llsh*t". And it looks like the vast majority does as well. To ask such a question makes you look under- or uneducated about the world around you.

You probably are.

I bet you drive a huge gas-guzzling SUV, water your lawn every day, and throw your garbage out your vehicle window while driving up a few blocks, instead of walking. Please! If you want your children to have a place to live, then you should care.
2007-05-14 08:47:51 UTC
Look around you. Our world is sick, and it is our fault. We need to do everything we can to help reduce carbon, and cars are a big part of it. I want to leave a better earth to my children, or atleast one they can live happy lives on. Biodiesel, and hybrid cars are reducing the carbon in the air, which is the major cause of Global warming, that is why we need them.

P.S. I am a Republican
2007-05-14 08:33:56 UTC
Yup I do. Because I'd like the earth to lst as long as it can. Because carbon dioxide emissions have built up so much is is changin the earth's climate. Because it is wasteful not to. Because the human species has managed to damage the earth more then any other creature.

I'm not liberal in fact Im not polictical at all. Stick your head in the sand if you want. Better yet-go hang out on one of the melting ice caps.
2007-05-14 12:19:45 UTC
Yes, I do care about all of it. When you're at home do you completely trash it? Do you crap on the floor, or throw garbage everywhere? I'm assuming you don't. The Earth is our home, so why not give it the same kind of care. It's the only home we're ever going to have, we'll never live on Mars or another we should take care of our home. It's that simple.
2007-05-14 09:06:17 UTC
We are poisoning ourselves, with pesticides and herbacides, asthma is at an all time high as we have polluted the air. Wwe are depleting the earth's resources using oil for so many different things, not only fuel, but clothings and plastics. We are starving ourselves, the climate is changing, there are deserts where there used to be forests. It is for our own good.
2007-05-14 14:13:34 UTC
Yes it is the alternative methods that are going to save this earth and us...You must not know that much about environmental sciences because lowing the emisions we produce is very important for so many things...
2007-05-14 13:06:34 UTC
I do. I care greatly. Because eventually it'll affects us all. We can stop global warming but we can make the earth a little cleaner. A little from all of us can go a long way.
2007-05-14 09:28:43 UTC
All of these liberals are fueling one of the fastest growing segments of the American economy. If you don't care for any other reason, then care because it ultimately fattens your wallet (assuming you are smart enough to include "green" companies in your portfolio).
2007-05-14 13:19:00 UTC
Stupid is as stupid does.Why condemn those who are doing what they feel is their best to try to make OUR world a better place for OUR children.Give them a break or just act like they aren't doing good.
2007-05-14 08:36:50 UTC
yes , i care , also! our planet needs help in recovering from about 300 yrs of neglect. it is not very hard , just make informed decisions and try to plan your driving to include as many errards as possible in one outing! use a fuel additive to stretch the milage of your car, ride a bike for excercise, and recycle what you can!
They call me ... Trixie.
2007-05-14 08:32:21 UTC
Yeah, I DO care. I think it's very important to reduce our dependency on oil.
2007-05-14 10:05:45 UTC
It saddens me to see how uneducated some people are.
2007-05-14 08:45:44 UTC
Education goes a long way. You should try it.
2007-05-14 08:56:06 UTC
have u ever considered that many diseases such as cancer stem from what you call green and economical bullshit???
2007-05-14 08:32:23 UTC
I think its a wheel barrow full of it. So what? the worlds getting hotter... im gonna be dead in a 100 years....screw everyone else!

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